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It's getting pretty dark as I'm walking on the beach by myself. I'm listening to some old school music just trying to calm down. These past few months have been really hard for me and suddenly all of the emotion that I had been keeping inside of me by drinking, smoking and making out just comes flowing out. I sit on the beach in the dark and cry. I don't know how long I'm there for but I don't really care to be honest. It just feels good to finally let it all out... after all these months I finally feel slightly lighter. 

After a while I get up to go home because it's really late and dark and being out in San Diego alone at this time, isn't the safest. As I'm walking back I see a few of the guys from my school that hang out with my brother, at a bar on the beach. He doesn't seem to be there though. I walk to my car and see someone next to it. I don't directly recognise him but he looks like the pretentious prick I saw yesterday parked next to me. 

He turns around and flashes me a gorgeous smile. He looks even better than he did the other day but I really can't stand those rich kids.

"Hey, I think you go to my school... whats your name?"

"I'm Lexie and your blocking my door, so could you move?"

"Oh yeah of course... I'm so sorry... Is everything okay?"

"Yeah what? you've never seen a girl crying before? Just leave me alone"

"I know you don't know me but if you need anything, I'm here okay?"

"Sure, whatever, bye"

He turns around, gets into his car and leaves. Why did I always have to be so fucking rude! He didn't seem like too much of a dick. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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