Getting To Know Me Answers!!!

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tmntfangirlraphgf asks, "Are you a boy or girl?" 

A: I am a girl!

Pikagirl4444 asks, "What's your favorite animal?"

A: It's hard for me to decide. I would debate between owls and foxes. 

MimikuLanoue asks, "Who is your favorite to write and what is your favorite chapter you've written so far?"

A: I honestly don't have a favorite. I love all of them. My favorite chapter would have to be Dirty Pick Up lines. 

sammonroe13 asks, "Who is your favorite and least favorite Naruto characters? Have you heard of creepy pastas? If so, which one is your favorite?"

A: My favorite would have to be Naruto because, hey, I love ramen too! My least favorite would have to be Sakura. Sorry, but she kind of annoys me. Yes, I have heard of creepy pastas and I actually read fanfics about them. My favorite is slender man.

team7alexa asks, "Who's your favorite character in Naruto and what' your favorite anime?"

A: First part has already been answered and my favorite anime, as of right now, Ultimate Otaku Teacher. Check it out, I find it quite interesting. But when it comes to the more well known and popular anime I would have to say, Samurai Champloo.

The_Mood_Swings asks, "Why are you so good at writing?"

A: I don't think that I am that good, but the only reason why I can be good is because I am inspired. I have absolutely no creativity unless I get inspired. That is why it is taking so long to update because I lost inspiration. So that is why I will not be doing the next chapter, Cheesy Pick Up Lines. Instead I would like to have my readers decide what the next chapter should be about by commenting.

NarutoAddict18 asks, "Was it hard to come up with the ideas for this book?" 

A: Somewhat, because some chapters I come up with because I was thinking of it based off of one character and not all of them so I would have to think of how to make it interesting for the rest of the characters as much as it will for the one I was mostly thinking about.

CandorDemigod asks, "What is your favorite anime?"

A: It has already been answered.

tzpyrop34 asks, "How does one actually become a good writer, such as yourself?"

A: I want all of you readers and or writers to listen up. In my opinion, I truly believe in what I am about to answer. To become a good writer, you must write based on inspiration and motivation. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT write based off of what others are raving about. Write only what inspires you. Write from your imagination. Make it creative! Don't be like others and work hard on writing a one of a kind book. When you start something, try to finish it. Don't give up. Once you complete your writing, go back and reread. Find anything that you could change to make it better. Also, make sure you have a good grasp at grammar. I admit that I do not have perfect grammar, but it does annoy me when others do not use the correct forms of words such as your, you're, to, too, and two. Spelling can also be a bit annoying based off of how many spelling errors occur. That is why to always double check and even let the readers notify you of any mistakes they see.

luvkaneki asks, "Who's your favorite Akatsuki member?"

A: Hm, I would have to say Kakazu. I know, I am weird. But, what can I say? Being weird is better than being normal.

HeavenEather asks, "In what country do you live in? How did you discover Naruto?" 

A: I live in the United States. I discovered Naruto when I was seven or eight, so close almost ten years ago, and it was when I was at a friend's house while we were watching tv. He introduced me to it. And although I only watched it a few times, I never got into it till about a year or two ago.

**A/N If you went through all the questions and answers, you would have seen the news about the next chapter. But if not, I do not have inspiration for cheesy pick up lines so I would like my readers to notify me in the comments about what they would like to read next in my story. Whatever ones I find inspiring, I will write. Can't wait to see what my readers come up with!**

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