Chapter One

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I wanted to start writing this because I literally cannot stop watching the official music video for Best Song Ever! It is literally the best song ever!

In my opinion anyway ;)

So sorry for this annoying note... But here's chapter one below with Marcel Styles! :)*


"Oi. Four-eyes."

Don't turn around. Don't turn around. Don't turn around.

"I'm talking to you."

Whatever you do Marcel, do not turn around, just keep walking and do NOT-

"I SAID." I was grabbed and spun to face the direction of the voice. "I'm talking to you. It's rude to ignore someone when they're talking to you!" I wince as the schools football team captain showers me in spit as he slams me against the wall of lockers, his fist connecting with my cheek and knocking my glasses to the floor. The books I was carrying tumbled to the floor, landing with thuds all around me as I he kneed me in the stomach. I doubled over, coughing as I blindly groped at the floor for my glasses.

"So what is it rude to do?"

Don't say anything. He'll get bored and leave any second now, just don't retaliate.


Do not react, just-

"I'M SPEAKING TO YOU." His fist grabs a handful of the fabric of my shirt and he pulls me back to my feet, staring straight into my eyes. Although my vision is extremely blurry, I could still see his face contorted with anger.

"I'm busy right now can I ignore you some other time." I mumble, my voice squeaky and high as I nervously squint.

Woah Marcel, where the hell did that comment come from?

I was so dead.


"Joe Williams, what do you think you're doing?"

I feel all my pent up breath release itself as Ms Rose's voice drifts down the hall, followed by the tap of her heels on the hallway floor as she approached us. Still blind as my glasses were somewhere on the floor, I hear Joe's threat whispered in my ear before he releases his grip and I hear his footsteps fading. I immedietly drop to the floor and grope once more for my glasses, sighing in relief when my hand brushes against the familiar thick black-rimmed glasses I had lived with since my 13th birthday.

"Marcel, is everything alright?" I quickly pull my glasses back on before looking up at her and trying for a smile, nodding a little too enthusiastically.

"Sure. Yes, everything is brill. Excellent." I stutter, grabbing my books and pulling them to my chest as I stand back up. Ms Rose raises an eyebrow before sighing.

"Okay. Are you sure he didn't just threaten you?" I can sense she's looking at the swollen mark I can feel on my cheek, but I turn away and shake my head.

"No! Not at all. He was just... He just told me to be careful! Yes. I dropped my books. Haha. Clumsy me, you know!" I rush, getting more flustered by the second. She hovers a few moments longer, and I was almost certain she'd ask more questions.

"Okay. Well you know you can come and talk to me anytime about... Anything." And with one last smile, she turned and strode off in the direction of Joe, probably to go and question him. As soon as she disappeared from view, the fake smile dropped from my lips, and I turned and leant my head against the lockers behind me. I couldn't just 'talk' to any teachers. Even if I could I woudn't. I just had to pull through without adults interferance. Besides. Joe and his gang of the 'Populars' had been bullying me since I joined Secondry School. I was used to it. I don't think I had gone a day without getting teased, hit, or pushed. It was just part of my routine.

Even so, as I scurried out the main entrance of the school, I couldn't help looking over my shoulder nervously as Joe's threat swirled on repeat in my mind.

I'll get you later.

*BOOM. Dramatic finish.



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