Chapter Six

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Considering I was early, I decided to walk instead of catch the usual bus. As I got closer and closer to school, the roads became busier, and so did the pavements. I just kept myself to myself, walking with my head down and my ray bans on. Every now and again I'd glance around, admiring my excellent vision, but apart from that I arrived at school having watched my white converse travel over the ground.

My first period lesson was music.

Breathe Harry.

I couldn't stop the smile overtaking my features as I rolled my name around in my head, awakening sweet memories of my life before it became hell. Was it too much to wish for that it could just go back to the way it had been?

Walking through the main entrance of the school I began to feel uncomfortable, feeling as if the whole school was staring at me. I was used to being a chameleon; a nobody. When I didn't want to be found I could easily become invisible. Unless a couple of bullies wanted a punching bag that is.

I was so sure that a girl I'd just walked past had winked at me, and I had to double take behind my sunglasses to confirm that she was smiling at me and sticking out her chest just a little further than necessary.

It's okay Harry, it was probably a mistake. Or your mind playing tricks.

By the time I reached my first lesson I was certain it couldn't possibly be my mind that was causing whispers behind my back and flirtatious behaviour from the females. A few guys had even nodded at me.

I was sure they couldn't possibly even know who I was.

I walked through the music rooms door just as the bell went; normally I was sat in my seat with about 5 minutes to spare. And normally Ms Rose would smile at me as I arrived, not glare at me like she was doing right now.

"I think you're in the wrong lesson." Her voice is cool and clipped as she raises her eyebrows at me, and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from gasping. She's never been like this to me before.

As I stand there trying to collect my answer, I feel the class staring at me. Well this is awkward.

"Nope, this is the class I've been in for the past 3 years. I'm pretty sure I'm in the right lesson." It just slipped out my mouth easily as I walked into the room and sat in my usual spot, ignoring the slack-mouthed teenagers who sat at the desks.

Immediately whispering broke out.

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"What the hell?"

"That's not Marcel! He looks..."



"But how?"

I lean back ever so slightly and tuck my arms behind my head, a small smile playing on my lips as I turn to face Zayn where he sits in the desk next to me. One of his eyebrows is raised, and he looks taken aback and slightly confused.

"Zayn. Niall. Louis. Liam." I address them all with a slight nod of my head, pulling off my sunglasses and hooking them into my shirt front pocket.

"Harry Styles." A smirk manages to twist it's way into my lips as I hold out my hand to Zayn, crossing my ankles in front of me as I stretch my long legs out.

"Well Marc- Harry. We didn't think you had it in you if we're quite honest." And with that he takes my hand and shakes it, grinning widely. Niall, Liam and Louis clap me on the back, whooping and cheering. They only quieten when Ms Rose begins to teach, trying hard not to stare at me.

This was going to be an interesting day.

*I apologise for the short chapter! But I've hardly had time to write, and I'm about to go on holiday for three weeks with no wifi!

I will try to write, and then update loads when I get back!*


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