Chapter Three

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*After a slightly boring day I couldn't wait to update this story! I'm just desperate for Marcel to become a little butterfly after being a caterpillar for so long ;)*


"Thank you ladies and gentleman, for being such an amazing audience!" I laughed into the mic, fist pumping the air with my spare hand. They all went wild, copying my action and screaming my name.

'Harry! Harry! Harry!'

I grinned blissfully as I closed my eyes and listened to the voices, hearing my old name shouted by thousands of people...


I opened my eyes to the sound of my mothers voice.

"Marcel! Breakfast is on the table. Don't be too long."

"Yes mother." I called back earnestly, before rolling out of bed and pushing my curls out of my face. As expected they had dried overnight and turned into something comparible to a birds nest. I sighed as I reached for my thick rimmed glasses, pushing them comfortably onto the bridge of my nose and tucking them behind my ears. Then I grabbed my usual brown slacks out of the wardrobe and pulled them on, before finding a light brown button up shirt and tucking it in, then completing my look with a dark brown v-neck jumper. Fumbling with the lid of my hair gel, I wandered into the bathroom and applied a dollop onto my hair, working with both hands to style it into my usual slicked back quiff.

So much for wanting a change of look Marcel.

I sighed as I grabbed my shoulder bag from where it had fallen on the floor, before jogging down the stairs and through the lounge, into the kitchen.

"Morning mum." I smiled a genuine smile at her, kissing her cheek as I sat down to eat my breakfast of eggs and bacon. They had been arranged in such a way that the food smiled at me on the plate, two eggs forming eyes and a strip of slightly curved bacon forming the mouth. I grinned back before quickly finishing the plateful and placing it into the dishwasher.

"Have a good day at school Har-" My mother shouted after me as I gave her one last kiss and headed for the front door. Her words caused me to freeze as I turned to stare at her, my eyes nearly as wide as her own.

"Sorry mum what did you say?" I asked lightly, after slowly stepping back towards her. Her mouth formed an 'o' as she had a silent battle with her own mind, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

"I said have a good day at school Marcel." She repeated, smiling as if it was simply a mistake of my hearing.

"Oh. Thank you I will try." I replied, before hugging her and walking out the house.

"So I heard Joe is after Marcel."

"Apparantly Four Eyes called Ms Rose on him!"

"No, even geek boy wouldn't involve a teacher! That's the oldest rule in the book!"

Keep calm Marcel, just don't achknowledge the whispers and rumours.

That's what I told myself as I sat down for first period which was maths at the front of the class. Most the desks around me were empty, as the rest of the students sat nearer the back of the classroom. And it was easy to avoid me considering there were always way too many desks compared to pupils. I sighed, preparign myself for yet another day of torment. I glanced nervously at the clock as I tried to ignore the rumours. Mr Brown was precisely 37 seconds late, and getting later by the second! I tapped my pen on the desk, eyeing the door as I became more stressed. No one else seemed worried. The chatter just continued, breaking with the odd laugh now and again. Another 10 seconds had passed and still no sign of-

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