Chapter Four

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*Very short chapter, the next one will be his big change!*

I'm so fueled by anger it doesn't sink in what I've done until I get home to an empty house. My mother was probably down at the bakery, as the owners were understanding of her fragile state of mind, and she loved to decorate the cakes, so they paid her to make the cupcakes there.

"My name isn't Marcel." I repeat the words over and over as I rub my temples, before running upstairs to my room and slamming the door behind me. Chucking my bag onto the floor by the desk I pull the wardrobe door open with unnecessary force and reach right to the back of the bottom shelf, pulling out a small dusty wooden box. Then I fall back into a sitting position, my back against my door as I stare at the box I hadn't opened in 7 years. Which is around when my dad went missing at sea.

"Come on. Come on. Come on..." I trail off as I feel a warmth trickle down my cheeks, and pull my glasses off to wipe away the tears which were escaping my eyes.

"No! I haven't cried since I became Marcel. I haven't.." My voice breaks, and eventually I just sink to the floor, letting out all the pent up anger, sadness and fear that has been locked away. It literally felt like I was releasing the person I had become.

"Marcel?" I jerk awake at the sound of my mums voice, realising I must have drifted off. My neck had a massive crick in it from where I'd been lying on the floor with my neck upright against the door, and the wooden box lay beside me.

"I'm just... Getting changed!" I call to her, my voice husky as if it hadn't been used for years.

"Well okay hun! There's a package at the door for you. I'm going to stay at Danielle's for the night, there's some pasta on the stove, just heat it up when you want it. I'll be back tomorrow lunchtime so you'll see me when your home from school." I was used to her staying at friends' houses. It helped her cope, so I never argued. Besides it was nice to have the house to myself every now and again.

"Okay, see you later!" I shout back, and only when I hear the front door slam shut do I crawl to my feet and open my bedroom door. Still feeling stiff and achey, I slowly made my way down the stairs, stopping at the front door and pulling it open. A small cardboard box sat on the front step, held closed by a piece of brown duct tape. I could see a note flapping on the front of it, and I bent down to read it.

Thought you could use some help. Don't open this until the morning. And use everything.

No name or anything. Confused, I picked up the box and kicked the front door shut behind me, before jogging up the stairs and dumping it onto my bed. I probably should have checked it before bringing it into the house in case it was some sort of cruel trick, but I was intrigued and didn't want any nosey neighbours watching me open a parcel. I figured despite my curiosity I should probably do as the note says, as I was new to this whole package thing, and I was scared of what was in the box. Shrugging, I grabbed my iPod and towel, heading to the bathroom to have a shower and let myself slip into a world of music and heat.

*I was just going to have his change all in one chapter, but it was too long and wouldn't let me publish! So I'm sorry for how short this chapter is! I promise the next one it better :)*


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