Chapter Seven

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*Sorry, finally back from Cyprus!

Haven't updated Change of Stlyes in a long time! It's waaaaay overdue!

I'll try and make up for it by posting quick updates over the next week!

Sorry in advance in case I completely fail and hardly update...


Anyway! Here goes.*

"Marcel. Would you like to come and demonstrate a song?"

I glanced up at Ms Rose, feeling the smirk slide from my lips as I frowned.

"My name is Harry. Check the register."

Sure enough I watched her tap away at the laptop on her desk, eyes narrowing as she sighs and nods. Never ever EVER has she picked on me to perform in class, and never ever EVER have I offered. Everyone thinks music is my weak subject due to my lack of participation, but I just choose to never take part in class band or singing.

"Sure. But I'll need someone who can play guitar." I stand, glancing around.

Niall pushes back his chair from beside me and stands too, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm your man."

"Here." I reach into the back pocket of my jeans and hand him a piece of paper with chords written on, waiting to see his reaction. Even though I was trying hard to mantain my act and win back my old attitude, I was feeling nervous and tense, and slightly jittery. It would take a while to lose that feeling, considering I had been 'Marcel' for years.

"Cool. Let's do this!" His irish accent breaks through strongly as he shouts, picking up a guitar and taking a seat on an upturned crate that had previously delivered some drums only yesterday. Ms Rose shakes her head disapprovingly but makes no comment. I breathe in deeply and walk over to stand beside Niall as he positions my roughly written chords on a music stand to the right of him. Then he glances over to me, and I nod. It's now or never.

I thought I saw a girl brought to life

She was warm she came around

She was dignified

She showed me what it was to cry

You couldn't be that girl I adored

You don't seem to know or seem to care

What your heart is for

But I don't know her anymore

There's nothing left, I used to cry

My conversation has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine

I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn

There's nothing left, I used to cry

Inspiration has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine

I'm torn


I'm torn

Nothing's fine

I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying broken on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn

I'm already

I'm already torn




Niall strums the last chord and I breathe out slowly, not daring to look up and meet the eye of my classmates. I'd written that song so many years ago, when I actually used to have a friend. But she turned against me. Just like everyone else.

"Well Harry... That was..." I finally build up my courage and lift my head to face Ms Rose, watching her stumble over her words as she shakily ducks her head and discreetly wipes at her face.

"Why didn't you ever tell me? You have such an amazing voice." I shrug and retrieve the paper from the music stand before turning to head back to my desk, Niall at my heels. I stop however, as a single clap echos through the room, and turn to glance at Zayn as he leans back and begins to clap. Straight away Louis and Liam join in, grins plastering their faces as they whistle and whoop. Then slowly, it spreads, until I'm stood staring at a classroom full of shrieking, screaming, clapping and whistling teenagers. I laugh and turn to Niall, to find he too is smiling at me, before he claps me on the back and slides back into his seat. I bow and then turn, copying Niall's slide and then leaning back with a huge grin on my face. As cheesy as it sounds I can feel a warm glow inside of me, and I embrace the moment as I realise that I don't have to live up to anyone elses standards of myself. Instead I can just live up to my own.

*I'm sorry it's short :( But it's nearly 2am and I'm tired. I'm going to the cinema tomorrow to see Grown Ups 2, and I'm pretty excited :D Comment, fan, vote... Just do your thing guys!*


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