The Journal {3}

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                The next day at school, I told Callahan everything that had happened with Francis, including the kissing. Well, that was really all that happened.

                “So are you two dating?” he asked in confusion.

                I shook my head at him. “No. He said we’ll spend more time together alone and see where that takes us.”

                “Just be careful,” he said, and the bell rang, ending our conversation.

                But his warning has been swimming around my head all day. “Be careful.” As if Francis Phillips, our friend for years, was out to hurt me.

                Nothing eventful happened at school. Frank was Frank, and he barely talked to anyone. But I invited the guys over, and Frank seemed eager enough to come. So, to save my poor hand from more cramps, I’ll skip school and go straight to what happened at my house.

                When we got there, it was casual enough. We did our usual routine of watching TV in my living room.

                But then my parents got home. And what happened with them is what’s scaring me right now. I’m absolutely mortified over what happened with them and my friends, especially Frank. I’m actually waiting for Francis to call me. But before I get too ahead of myself, I guess I should write down what happened with my parents and Francis.

                My mom had come up the stairs first, with her usual fake smile. She makes me so sick sometimes.

                “Hi guys! How was-“

                “-school?” she asked.

                “Boring as always,” I said.

                “Try to be more positive Nash,” she said, giving me a stern look.

                “School isn’t all that bad,” Frank said, folding his hands behind his head.

                “Exactly,” mom said without looking at Frank. I mentally sighed. She hated him because he was gay.

                “You just like school because of Amanda,” the twins said.

                Frank made a disgusted face. “Pardon me if I don’t enjoy her STD infested self trying to grind on me in the lunch line.”

                “Aw Frank, someone has to like you,” Damien said and Cal snickered.

                “Oh, I think you boys would be quite surprised with who likes me,” Frank said, grinning. He didn’t look at me, and I was glad because I was fairly sure I was blushing.

                “Your dad might like you,” Callahan said.

                “But he’d be the only person,” Damien said.

                “Because none of us like you,” Callahan said.

                “Right Nash?” Damien glanced at me.

                “Uh…Right. We hate you Frank,” I said, trying not to think of our kissing yesterday.

                “I think you all like me more than you let on. A lot more than you let on,” Frank said, snickering.

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