The Journal {10}

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                I flipped the page in Nash’s journal and began to read. My eyes widened a little as I got through the first paragraph, and I realized that finally, I was about to get a glimpse at the problems in Nash and Francis’s relationship.

                Okay journal, this is why I started writing in you. To remember everything that happens so that I can look back on it. And I’m definitely going to want to look back on this, because Francis was almost scaring me today. I know I can get super jealous, but Frank was just being downright possessive of me today. Sure, I like that he doesn’t want anyone else to have me, but it did freak me out a little.

                I guess I can kind of understand. Frank’s viciously possessive of the people he loves, ever since he lost his mom. But today, it was pretty scary.

                It happened during lunch and, of course, involved a certain slut. That bitch is so desperate to get with Francis that it’s pathetic to watch.

                But I guess his mood this morning was an indicator that something bad was going to happen today. Sometimes he has days where he’s sweet Francis all day, and sometimes he’s just mean Frank all day.

                Today was a Frank day.

                Like I said, it started in the morning. I saw him walking towards us and-

                -Callahan let out a whistle. “Here comes trouble.”

                “Bad mood in full swing,” Damien said with a nod.

                “Have fun with your boyfriend,” Callahan said, slapping me on the back.

                He and Damien turned to walk away. I grabbed fistfuls of their shirts and dragged them back towards me.

                “You’re not leaving me alone with him when he’s like this,” I hissed.

                “Fine,” they groaned miserably as I released them.

                Frank stepped up to us. His eyes were a violently raging storm behind his glasses. His eyes were narrowed in anger. His mouth was turned down in a scowl.

                “Hi Frank,” I said, forcing a smile.

                “Hey,” he grunted.

                “Are you okay?” the twins asked.

                “Fine!” he snapped. “I’m fine! Jesus, can you two stop talking at the same time? You’re not real twins. You’re not even fucking related!”

                “Sorry,” they apologized at the same time.

                Frank growled at them and they shrank book, shooting me a desperate look. I mentally sighed and reached out, lacing my fingers with Frank’s.

                “Are you going to the music room during lunch to work on your solo?” I asked.

                “Yea,” he said. “I won’t do it every day. But a lot of days, I will.”

                He pulled away from my hand and turned, walking off down the hall and out of sight. I turned to the twins.

                “How can you date him?” Callahan asked.

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