Chapter Two

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"I couldn't think of nothing better to do, then checking out a little wiggle or two. Oh but honey that was before I met you! You walked in, with legs up to your neck! You walked in, I'm a physical wreck! You walked in, i've lost my cool babe, but what the heck? When you walk in, baby, love begins. When you walk by, baby, oh my my! When you come around, my jaw hits the ground!" Lonestar "you walked in"

Justin Vicks cleared his throat and tried to muster up the courage to go and speak to Susie Atkinson. He had seen her walk into the café alone moments ago and he knew it was the perfect opportunity to finally have some privacy as he spoke to her over breakfast.

Susie was a welcome find in this arid and uninhabited wasteland called Bakerstown, Texas. She was sweet, shy and innocent. So different from the women he had known back in New York… So much different than that shrieking banshee he had been married to… He supposed he was still technically married but it was all a matter of geography.

His wife, Lorainne, was busy living the life of a spoiled debutante in New York City. No doubt charming congressmen and senators while he slaved away in Bakerstown as a banker and accountant. He could have gone anywhere to work but he had wanted to make sure he came somewhere where Lorainne would not think to look for him. He wanted a divorce but the woman was following all the so called civil right nonsense and women's movements and demanded that half of what he had would have to go to her if he divorced her.

Half of what he had had was a hell of a lot. So he had begun to sell off his property. The townhouse in Maine? Gone. The country home in Virginia? Adios. He'd even given a vast amount of his considerable wealth to charity. When Lorainne had found out about what he had done she had been furious and refused to divorce him, only now just for spite. She had gone crying to that gun toting, army general father of hers and Justin had run for his life.

Now he was here… Trying to start a new life for himself. Making friends was hard for him. He was short, only five and a half feet tall. He had very fair skin and pale blond hair that he kept cut to his ears and slicked back beneath his gentleman's bowler hat. He had been told before that his eyes were the color of ocean ice and he had always been on the heavier side, though he hid it well in his fancy suits and waistcoats. His physical appearance wasn't what kept him in a lonely state, no, it was his shyness that did him in.

Just the thought of speaking in front of more than one person gave him cold sweats and had his knees knocking and the thought of talking to Susie, why that was even worse. It seemed every time he tried, he would break out in a red rash and stumble over every word he said. His legs would shake and his pulse would race. As a matter of fact the only reason he attempted it at all was because Sally Atkinson, Susie's twin sister, insisted that her sister was interested in him.

He didn't have much to offer the young ranch girl. He didn't have much money and the only home he owned, his wife was currently living in, but he had heard around town that Susie was lonely and the truth was that he was too. He figured that a relationship between the two of them would be equally beneficial.

He squared his shoulders and strode up to the diner. He barged in the door and Susie let out a cry of shock when he ran headfirst into her and she nearly dropped the small, covered basket she was carrying on the floor.

"S..Sorry about that, Miss Atkinson." he said with horror. He saw that warm, kind smile come on her face and she shook her head.

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Vicks. It seems we were both in too big of a hurry to pay much attention to where we were going." she replied in that soft voice of hers that was so much different than the shrew that was Lorainne.

"Were you on your way out?" he asked, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. "I was hoping that perhaps we could eat together."

"I'm sorry, but I ate before I left the ranch." Susie said with what he hoped was true regret in her voice. "I just stopped by here to get some food to take to Brody because he forgot his lunch at home and then I am going to work at the church."

Breaking Through to Sue (4th in Breaking Series)Where stories live. Discover now