Chapter 3

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Two years later

Joey's pov

It was my final day of third grade and i couldn't be more excited. Me and sawyer planned to spend the whole summer together. We were gonna eat food that my mommy wouldn't approve of, we're gonna drown ourselves with video games. We're gonna explore the woods around my treehouse and we're gonna have the most fun ever.

Sawyer's parents let him stay for this month and most of next month and i'm so happy. Sawyer has gotten much bigger, he's twice as tall as me and his voice keeps cracking. I laugh every time he does but he always turns red and hits me.

It's nothing too bad but he's strong too and it hurts. The final bell rang and since sawyer is in middle school i ran to his school building and i waited on the steps. His parents were picking us up so i had an excuse to come out here. I heard their final bell and the doors opened with a bunch of bigger kids walking out. Quickly i scooted to the far edge of the steps but a few people still knocked my head and one boy straight up pushed me off the steps.

Boy: Whose this little bitch?

I gasped because sawyer said that bad words like that were wrong. He said he would never talk to me again if i ever said them.

Sawyer: Piss off Chase, go.

The boy walked away and sawyer helped me up brushing off my shirt and pants. He took my bookbag and we walked to his parents car getting inside. We both talked and laughed about all the fun things we were going to do. That and my birthday was coming up soon, he said we were gonna have a bunch of fun. We pulled into his driveway and we ran inside and went straight to the snack cabinet.

S mom: Now boys, don't pig out on junk food. I'm making dinner tonight.

Sawyer: Ugh ok mom.

We grabbed a bag of chips and two juices as we ran down the hall to his room. We both plopped onto his bed and sawyer put in a movie as i waited munching on the chips. He hopped back on the bed and My Neighbor Totoro appeared on the home screen. I squealed and he pressed play, i love this movie so much.

Joey: Thank you saw-sauce.

Sawyer: You're welcome joey bear.

For hours and hours we watched movies and ate chips until his parents called us downstairs. We dashed down the steps and we sat at the table. Sawyer helped me onto my seat and i grabbed my fork. His mom put spaghetti on our plates and i twirled my fork around stuffing huge bites into my mouth.

S dad: Slow down there joey, we don't want you getting sick.

I giggled and me and sawyer wolfed down our dinners running back to his room. We stayed up until midnight and i was getting really sleepy. We changed into our pjs and we got under the covers as sawyer held me clsoe. I felt warm and safe in his arms, i began to drift off and soon i fell asleep.


I was in a room, i was sitting on the floor. A large hand helped me up and i saw that red haired man. He looked exactly the same but he was stronger. He pulled me into his arms and an immediate calmness spread over my body. I don't know why but i cuddled close to him and i closed my eyes.

???: What's your name darling?

Joey: U-Um my name is joey sir.

???: What a beautiful name, i'm shane.

Joey: That name's pretty. Nice to meet you.

He then went silent and our surroundings began to get absorbed by shadows flying around us. He let go of me and started to run, i chased after him even though i was having trouble.

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