Chapter 4

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Eight years later

Shane's pov

I was sleeping soundly just dreaming about the void and everything dark in the world. I started shaking and i opened my eyes to see isaac hovering above me.

Shane: Ughhh what do you want?

I pulled the covers over my head and suddenly my warm haven of blankets was ripped off of me and i groaned trying to pull them back.

Isaac: Come on shane, time for school.

Shane: Oh come on, i've been to school for literally centuries. I don't wanna go anymore. I know literally everything they're gonna teach.

Isaac: Not my problem. Now get up, we're going hunting after school.

Shane: Oh fine, but is emma coming too?

Isaac: Nope, she's still a fledgling, i need to help her with her cravings.

Shane: Why do you need to help her? She's older then me.

Isaac: Girls take longer.

Shane: Whatever, just get out.

He left and i walked to my bathroom taking a quick shower. I dried off and got dressed, i poked my fangs our and i brushed my teeth.

Shane: They should've just let me die.

I retracted my fangs and i slipped my shoes on as i constantly whipped my now too long hair out of my eyes. I hopped down the stairs and slid on my sunglasses. My skin is unbelievably pale because i usually burn when i'm in the sun too long. I grabbed a bottle and quickly chugged it tossing it in the trash.

Isaac: Shane remember, be nice.

Shane: We'll see.

I guess you can call me the equivalent of bad ass because my favorite piece of clothing i own is a leather black jacket. I also ride a motorcycle so yea i'm a bad ass i guess. Soon i realized i was running late so i grabbed my helmet and keys running out to my bike. I revved my engine and sped to school.

Joey's pov

Brendon Urie blasted in my ear and i knew it was time to wake up. I swiped my phone and the music turned off. I rushed to my closet and pulled out a white shirt and a pink bow tie. I put on my black skinny jeans and my black sperries. I styled my emo hair that i was planning on getting cut in a few days.

I sprayed on some cologne and i ran down the stairs. I grabbed a granola bar and i avoided my drunk mother on the couch. My dad moved out a few years ago because of her problem then nicole left because of mom too. I was the only one who cared enough to stay with her.

I heard a horn outside and i knew sawyer was here to pick me up. Me and him are still best friends, he's helped me through a bunch of tough times. He's gonna graduate this year and i'm really sad but good for him. I ran out to his car and i slid in the passangers side.

Sawyer: What's up short stuff?

Joey: Hey, i'm tall. My body just doesn't want me to grow up.

Sawyer: Oh sure.

I pouted and he pecked my cheek as we sped to school. We're still really close, we're not dating we're just comfortable with eachother. We got to school and we sat on the front lawn waiting for the teachers to open the doors. Every year they have a last minute meeting and no one is allowed inside.

Sawyer: Oh hey joey, you found a boyfriend over the summer?

Joey: You know damn well that i didn't.

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