Chapter 18

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Orcus's pov

I'm sick of waiting for dagon to make his move. If i am to rule hell and keep my spot next to lucifer while he still breathes then i must take action.

Joey: LET ME GO!!!!

Orcus: No way kid. I've waited too long to get my hands on you.

I felt the wind pick up and i was thrown into a tree dropping the boy to the ground with a thud. I fell and my fists slammed against the ground. I looked around and dagon stood there shaking his head. Blue lights surrounded us and we were now in a room only lit by torches. I knew we were in the phycotic caves from the chilled air.

Dagon: not sticking to the schedule. Now i need to change some things.

His low and calm tone mocked me making my bones quiver with anger. My hatred to this being was so pure and untainted that i couldn't believe how angry i actually was.

Orcus: A real leader doesn't waste time with planning.

Dagon: How do you think wars are won?

Joey's pov

While they bickered i managed to stand and dash in another direction. I then felt a surge of electricity through my body and i screamed falling over.

???: First things first i'm orcus, and secondly running is futile. You can't escape from this place  so make it easy on yourself.

Joey: I have nothing to offer. What do you want from me?

Orcus: Oh nothing we're after shane more than you.

Joey: two have been plotting and planning to capture me and it took you this long?

???: I'm dagon, name barriers suck and fuck off. I had a much better plan until Mr. high and mighty thought he could handle it.

Orcus: He's here isn't he?


Orcus: I'm thinking.

Joey: Sorry if i'm intruding on your little fight but could you two be dolls and let me go?

Orcus: Oh little boy, the things i have in store for you. I have a game. If you can find the exit to this cave then you're free, if you can't then you're gonna be stuck here forever simple as that.

He smiled and they disappeared, i swallowed as i heard growls and groans coming from every direction. Since i woke up this morning i had a feeling my day would be fucked.

Shane's pov

Shane: Did that just....did i just......when the......WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!?!?!

Isaac: Uh....i think your boyfriend just got uh....taken hehe.

Emma: I'm so confused. I knew something weird was going on but some dude with wings just snatched joey.

Isaac: His name was orcus. He's satan's second in command.

Shane: Wait satan? Like THE Satan?

Isaac: No shit sherlock.

Shane: well what the hell does he want with joey.

Isaac: Well shane.....once satan passes away YES HE CAN PASS AWAY you are the next candidate is you and Orcus doesn't like that. I don't know if he's trying to get to you and kill you or if he's just gonna try to win favor with him.

Shane: I don't wanna be the next candidate i'm scared.


Shane: Oh yea....why didn't we do anything?

Isaac: He froze our reflexes and natural responses shortly without us knowing...i need to learn that.

My mind started to really race and my level of panic went through the roof. I just let my boyfriend get taken....what did i do? Oh my god, he's alone....with a magical psycho demon...i gotta save him. Even if it's the last thing i fucking do.

Joey's pov

Joey: Okay joey you're alone in a place you don't know and there's no guarantee that shane is coming after you....what do i do? Now a normal person would just sit and wait hoping for the best but i'll never get out of here if i exploring it is.

I slowly stood up and winced feeling the burn on my back i slowly made my way forward through one of the openings in the walls. So far i saw nothing but a long hallway with torches. From my experience from video games there is something in here trying to kill me but i'm probably gonna die so might as well push my chances of getting out of here.

I continued walking and i felt a breeze behind me. The breeze soon became repetitive and i ever so slowly turned around and saw a towering beast with lanky red legs and a huge deagon like head. I screamed and ran as i heart its huge footsteps pounding behind me. It roared and rocks fell from the ceiling. I whined and dodged them as i tripped like any idiot and i rolled on my back.

It pounced on me and i saw my life flash before my eyes, i screamed and my body lit up a bright white making the creature fall off me. I scooted against the wall and breathed heavily as it ran at me again. The light on my body became brighter and it shot through the creatures whole being. His body exploded and fell to the ground as golden dust.


I made sure i was all in one piece and i slowly stood up as the light faded.

Joey: Not even gonna ask.

Dagon's pov

Dagon: I can't believe you. I had a perfect plan and you just completely destroyed it.

Orcus: I got more done in an hour than you have in a month.

Dagon: Now what? Satan can't know you sent him to the psychotic caves.

Orcus: I didn' did.

He smirked and i clenched my fists fixing my glasses. He will not take my place on the throne. That is one thing i can count on. He doesn't deserve to be near that throne.

Dagon: Let's call it a truce for now. First priority is to get shane dead.

Orcus: How do i know i can tryst you?

Dagon: YOu can't. That's what makes it fun.

He glared and we shook hands slowly as i was coming up with a plane to end both shane....and hell itself.

Author's note

That moment when you suck so much at writing a chapter doesn't make sense like at all.....but to those of you still reading i hope you like it. I'm gonna finish this book tho. Now sure how or when but i will. Hope you liked this. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeeeee <3

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