6. Kapitel: On Tour (+Special)

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On Tour


"Mary!", ruft Louis aus als er die Tür öffnet und umarmt mich fest, sodass ich kaum Luft bekomme. Ich lächele und umarme ihn ebenfalls. "Hey, Lou." "Meine Freundin!", beschwert sich Harry scherzhaft. Louis lacht und grinst. "Keine Sorge, ich stehle sie dir nicht.", meint er und löst sich von mir. Ich grinse und küsse Harry auf die Wange. "Sorry, Louis.. Ich hätte euch nicht ignorieren sollen.", sage ich und beiße auf meine Unterlippe. Louis lächelt. "Schon okay. Wenigstens haben wir dich jetzt zurück.", erwidert er. Ich lächle und umarme ihn nochmal kurz. "Danke."

Inzwischen sind die anderen auch schon zur Tür gekommen nachdem sie meinen Namen gehört haben. Ich umarme sie alle, entschuldige mich und bin froh, dass niemand sauer auf mich ist.

Ich werde sofort durch alle Zimmer geführt bis wir zu Harrys und meinem kommen. Dort verstauen wir mein Gepäck und gehen zurück in das 'Wohnzimmer', das wohl eher aussieht wie ein riesiger Müllcontainer mit ein paar Möbeln. "Jungs, ihr könnt auch nichts sauberhalten.", sage ich lachend. "Jetzt haben wir ja unsere Putzfrau." Louis grinst. "Oh nein! Ich werde sicher nicht für euch putzen und aufräumen.", protestiere ich. "Liam, warum lässt du sie so etwas machen?!" Ich wende mich an Liam. Dieser zuckt nur mit den Schultern und grinst. Ich seufze aber lache. "Ihr seid wahnsinnig." "Jep." Harry grinst und küsst mich flüchtig. Ich lächle.

"Hey, habt ihr was zu essen?", frage ich und sehe mich um. "Uhm... keine Ahnung?", antwortet Niall. Ich lache. "Wo ist die Küche?" "Wir haben keine.. Zimmerservice.", erwidert Liam. "Okay. Harry, können wir was essen?", frage ich Harry. "Klar.", antwortet Harry und geht zum Telefon. "Was willst du haben?", fragt er mich. "Hmm.. Pizza?", schlage ich vor. Harry nickt lächelnd und bestellt für uns alle Pizza.

Sei froh, wenn du Englisch nicht verstehst. Oder auch nicht.



first (the one I've actually kinda planned): Happy happy Marry Stylesmore.. Excursion Harry+Marry+her parents → car accident → Harry loses memory, Marry loses baby, parents die

actually haven't thought about it further, sorryc (not sorry but PSSSHHHH)

second: unicorn enters the hotel room, tells them in simon's voice to get the fuck outta here, they start fighting because everyone thinks everyone is high, they blow up the building and BAM everyone's DEAD

third: Mary admits it was all shit, Harry admits it was all just a publicity stund, Eleanor goes fuck herself, LARRY GET TOGETHER and the REST OF THEM ALL DIES (besides Livia because she's actually nice and we don't wanna kill her, get it? k)

Read one of the next three chapters to choose your ending.


We are so happeh and all couple-eh and wanderful. We go to a wanderful event with ma parents 'n Hareh keeps talkin shit and I keep talkin shit and at some point I just get sooooo annoyed that I just drive that car into the next building. Yeah.. that thing in my belly dies, Harry forgets everything – probably better for him anyway - , that makes me cry very very VERY bitterly, and my parents die which is the reason why I cry very very very VERY bitterly AGAIN. AND I JUST GOT SO ANNOYED SO I JUST JUMPED OFFA DAT ROOF OK?!


Suddenly the door opens and some pink unicorn walks in. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. We all stare at it and it tells us in Simon's voice: „Get da fuck outta here! They're gonna blow ya all up“ We just get really mad and tear each other's hair out. Suddenly there is just a really loud BAM and I think I am a bird but noooooooo I fall back onto the earth – Don't be silly, humans can't fly for shit – and with a loud BAM I crash onto the street. I'm actually not dead fast enough so I still worry about my face in the dirt of the street. I put myself in an irresistible position - just in case, y'know – and make try to get rid of all that dirt before I look into the mirror a last time and freak out because I'm bald.


„Harry, I gotta tell ya somethin'.“, I say all of the sudden. Harreh gives me a confused look. „Don't ya worry, babe. I gotta tell ya somethin'too. I'm actually with Louis.“ „WHAT?“ No that scream does NOT come from me, it comes from Eleanor, Louis' FAKE girlfriend (who suddenly is there when she wasn't there before but we don't mention that PSHHH)„Sorreh, I like guys. I always tried to tell you but you never listened.“, Louis answers and shrugs, turning back to Harry and kissing him. „GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!“, Management screams from hell and that's what Harry and Louis do. But what we didn't know.. WE ALL DIED. Guess who survived? Larry. (And Livia with Niall because she rescued him in time, but we don't mention them becfause this is a love story about two other guys so PSH) (every single shitty person on that fucking shitty earth died too, by the way)


gonna go and kill myself now. Thank you so much for reading the last words I ever wrote before I died.



(seriously, who feels offended now. Sorry. I didn't mean anything (except I did but forget that) )

(maybe I shouldn't wish you to burn in hell because I'm pretty sure that's me but who says there is hell so yeah.. I'll stay with what I said)


(P.S; If you ever feel the need to find out why Larry Stylinson is real and Elounor is more fake than Kim Kardashian's ass, contact me. If you already know the truth, CONGRATULATIONS, I don't hate you.Also, no hate to Eleanor. (even though she's only famous because she has a famous "boyfriend" and drinks Starbucks. Poor Max) )


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