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"I'm so stupid, so fucking stupid!" I said crying into the pillow.
"It's okay! You had to do what you had to do!" Erin said holding me.
"I don't know what I was thinking! I was being selfish! What about the baby!" I said with tears flowing down my face by the dozen.
"It's okay, you shouldn't have bring him or her into the world right now, it's not a good time!" Erin said.
"But (GCO)" I said.
"No, you and E don't need a baby right now!" She said And then I looked up at her with a unsure face. "It was E's baby right?" She said looking down at me.
"No." I said putting my head back down into her lap.
"Well, who's was it's?" She asked me.
"D-D-Dre." I said with hesitation.
"Dre?!" Erin said and got up! She started pacing my room. "As in Andre Young?!" She questioned me.
"Yessss! Dre!" I said.
"So you and Dre did it?!" She said with a small smirk on her face.
"Yes! How else do you get pregnant!" I said.
"Well, I thought you were never into Dre and besides does he know?!" She asked.
"Yes, he knows! I told him this morning!" I said.
"What did he say?" She asked.
"He was just upset that I didn't tell him and he said he would have been there if I would have called him so I wouldn't have to do it alone." I said.
"At least he cared!" She said. Erin came back over and sat by me. "Does E know?" She asked. I breath out.
"No and I don't want him to know either!" I said.

*2 weeks later*


"First of all, don't get caught! And when you selling, there is no need to say your name at all!" I said to Erica.
"What?!" She said.
"Well how are they supposed to come back? If they don't know my name?!" She asked. I admit it sometimes she could be slow but after a while she caught on.
"Just don't tell them your name?!" I said semi yelling at her.
"Alright!" She said. "So teach me!"
She came and sat into my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"We talking business right now baby!" I said to her.
"I know! I just think your a really good guy and I just wanted to kiss you up close that's all!" She said.
"So you trying to move to the next level?!" I said with a smirk.
"Uhh! No!" She said pushing my head and getting off of me.
"It was just a question!" I said.
"You love me?" She said laying on the pillow.
"Yeah, with everything inch in my body!" I said. I got up next to her in the bed. "Why?" I asked her cuddling her.
"Cause people make mistakes." She said.
"What does that mean?" I asked her.
"Nothing, it's just that people make mistakes without the intention to hurt someone." She said turning over to me.
"It's okay to make a mistake or two cause I might make a mistake too!" I said kissing her.
"Everybody does!" She said cuddling up under me.

*later that night*
I heard a knock at the door and Erica was laying next to me sleep and didn't wanna wake her up so I slowly moved out from under her. I heard beating on the door even louder.
"Who is that at the door?" She said in her sleep.
"I don't know but I'm bout to go see, go back to sleep." I said getting up and grabbing my gun from under the night stand. I walked up to the door. "Who is it?" I yelled.
"It's me Eric!" I heard my baby momma yell. I opened the door and she came without me inviting her in. (Picture in MM)
"I need you to keep cam for a little while for me." Keke said with Cam on holding her hand.
"You know I can't keep him right now!" I said semi whispering so I wouldn't wake Erica up.
"You binding some hoe back there huh?!" She said kinda loud.
"Baby girl go into my room! And close the door!" I said to my baby girl. She let go of Keke's hand and ran to the room.
"What?!" She said crossing her arms.
"You know damn well I can't take care of her right now!" I said trying to stay quiet but it was hard cause she knows I can't take care of her. I mean I'm there for my child's when they need anything but I can't take care of them by myself.
"Well you need to find a way cause I'm leaving Compton and I can't bring her with me!" She said.
"Well see, you moving to bigger and better things and you should get her out of here with you, it's not somewhere she should be!" I said.
"She can't go with me!" She said grabbing her neck.
"Why not?!" I asked her getting frustrated.
"Cause it's just not something I want her in!" She said and I heard a horn honk outside. I walked over to the window and saw some man inside of a car.
"Who the fuck is that?" I said pulling my gun back out and started to walk out but Keke grabbed me.
"Eric no!" She said. I turned around and put my gun back up.
"Where's her stuff?" I asked her.
"It's in the car, hold on!" She said walking out to the car. When she returned to the house she had 5 suit cases.
"I can't believe you would trade your daughter for that fucking nigga!" I yelled at her. She then walked up to me and put her finger in my face.
"Fuck you Eric! Have you been there for her? Huh? Have you tookin her to school everyday? Huh? Have you spent your whole life taking care of her? Huh?!" She said.
"It's your fucking job to do that shit, your her mom!" I yelled.
"You know what?! I ain't got time for this and then she walked out the door. I just stood there looking at the door.
"She's not coming back is she?" I heard Cam say behind the hallway opening. She was sitting down on the floor. When I was 16 I meet Keke, she was a girl I knew from around the way and one night I had a drink to many and that how I got my baby girl Cam.
"I don't know baby girl!" I said picking her up off the ground and I went over to the couch ad sat down with her in my lap.
"Why doesn't she want me?" She asked.
"She's just going through a lot right now baby girl, you'll understand when you get older, okay?" I said to Cam.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing. E had a kid, he seemed like he was having a hard time explaining what was going so I decided to help cause I felt as if I knew what she was going through.
"I'm pretty sure she loves you, it's just that sometimes some people can't handle love and they get scared!" I said walking out of the hall way.
"Yeah she's right!" E said looking up at me and smiled.
"What's your name?" I said sitting next to E with the little girl in his lap.
"My name is Cameron." She said smiling.
"It's nice to meet you Cameron, can I call you Cam?" I asked her.
"Yea, everybody does!" She said.
"Well Cam, how old are you?" I asked.
"I'mmmmm..." She looking up with he thinking face on. "Oh! 7!" She said.
"Well Cam I'm Erica!" I told her.
"Well Erica, how old are you?" She asked and me and E looked at each other.
"Old enough to cook y'all some breakfast!" I said jumping up.
"Yayyyy!" She said jumping off of E's lap and running to the Kitchen. "Let's cook!" She said.
"You damn right you better cook some breakfast!" E said and slapped my ass.
"ouch!" I said.


"Sup! You got my money?" I said to this creak head that they call Spike.
"Yeah I got it!" He said scratching his arms. "You got my stuff." He said again.
"Yeah! Here!" I said giving him the drugs and he gave me the money. I walked off to the corner store and walked in. I walked around and got what I wanted. I walked up the cashier and checked out and then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Who the fu(GCO)" I said but a smile cute me off.
"Pac?!" She said. I turned around.
"Taylor?!" I said hugging her and she hugged back.

Authors notes:
Everyone VOTE and COMMENT!
Please and thank you! 😍😍

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