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After my episode on the job E made me take off for a while. We time the kids to Grandma Fae's while we were gone. E decided we needed to get away so we are going to Paris. I don't like being on planes so the entire time we were flying I was cuddled under E. We finally made it to the location and I was happy.
"Yessss!" I said looking out the glass doors of our hotel room.
"You like it?" E asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"I love it!" I turned around and kissed him.
"Anything for you!" He said and I kissed him again.
"So what we eating tonight?" I said walking over to my bag.
"Well hopefully I'll be able to eat you!" E said and slapped my ass.
"Ouch!" I said and grabbed my ass cheek.
"My bad but we now to go get some food right now cause I'm starving!" He said rubbing his stomach.
"You damn skippy!" I said running my tummy like he was running his. We asked around until we came across this restaurant that sound soul food. I was sitting across the table from E and he was stuffing his face and it was way to cute. I pulled my Camera out and took a picture of him.

"I wonder where they learned to cook like this!" I said with a mouth full of food like E

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"I wonder where they learned to cook like this!" I said with a mouth full of food like E. He was my twin and we were just alike sometimes.
"Mhm!" He said with a mouth full of food. I grabbed some sauce and put it on E's forehead and his whole facial expression changed.
"You so cute!" I said to him laughing.
"If this food wasn't this good, I promise you I would throw this at you!" He said looking down at his food. I started laughing really hard. I felt something warm on my head. I stopped laughing and then reached my hand up to the top of my head and felt that it was gumbo. I heard E bust out laughing.
"How dare you!" I said wipping the gumbo out my hair and threw it at him.
"This is my good hat!" He said and stood up. I kept laughing but there's more food thrown so you I had to retaliate.
"You missed a spot!" E said. Me and E got stuck with cleaning the mess we made but throwing gumbo and baked potato meat every where. I bent over to pick it up. I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I smirked to myself and stood up.
"So you trying to be nasty right now!" I said.
"Mhmm!" He said


I was playing beats with Yella for this new Nwa song. Yella had so many hoes in the room that I couldn't concentrate. This one girl was on the floor shaking everything her momma gave her.
"Where Ren at?" I asked Yella
"You'll probably have to call that nigga cause you know he's never on time!" Yella said reaching over the mixing board.
"You fucking right!" I said and got up to go outside. Once I opened the door Ren and Erin were walking in.
"Dre!" Erin said and gave me a huge hug.
"Erin!" I said with excitement giving her a hug back.
"Wassup my nigga Ren!" I said dabbing him up.
"Nothing much my nigga! Just out here! We need to get this money!" He said.
"You right! So why the fuck are you late then?" I said
"I had to go pick up Erin?" He said pointing to Erin.
"You act like Erin can't wait!" I said
"Nigga if I can wait! So can you!" She said and punched me in the shoulder hard.
"Damn!" I yelled in pain and grabbed my shoulder.
"Don't be talking about me! And Ren I need the keys!" Erin asked Ren and he handed her the keys.


I pulled up into Cube drive way. I was dropping Ro off for the weekend. I got Ro out the car and walked up to the house door and knocked. I heard Cube from the inside and then the door swung open. I walked in with Ro and placed her things on the couch.
"Where's Dana?" I asked Cube.
"She's off somewhere? I don't know where she is?" He said and picked Ro up.
"And your not the least bit concerned!" I said in shock.
"I been calling all over and I done rode around everywhere!" He said. I could tell he was hurting, I know they are going through a lot right now. Dana calls me all the time and talks to me about them. She's been going through a lot.
"Ohhh! And where's Liyah?" I asked.
"She's taking a nap in the back." He said looking backwards.
"I feel like I haven't seen her in so long!" I said with a smile on my face.
"Hmm, Ima have to take them all out some day, some where?" He said. I nodded my head and started walking to the kitchen. I grabbed the phone off the hook. I failed Danas number. The phone rung for a while and then it picked up.
"Hello." I heard Dana say
"Where are you?" I semi yelled to her.
"I been out! I just need some time to myself! The kids and Cube and this fucking life!" She yelled back
"Dana if you haven't noticed now! Your a mother, you have liyah to take care of, it's not just you!" I said
"Don't you think I know that!" She said
"I'm trying! I just need time to get myself together!" I said
"Dana please just come home!" I pleaded to her.
"When I'm ready!" She said and then the phone went out. I held the phone in my hand and breath out. I walked into the living room where Cube and Ro were on the the couch.
"I'm about to go!" I said.
"For what?" Cube hopes up off the couch.
"Cause I have business to tend to." I said with a confused facial expression.
"Just stay here for a little while until she gets back, please?" He said and grabbed my arm with the look of disappointment in his eyes. I could tell he was hurting. I could feel it, he missed her.
"Okay!" I said giving in.

Authors notes:
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Please and thank you! 😍😍

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