I need you more than you need me

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"Where's all the food?" I said.
"If you give me time to finish bleaching this!" Erica said carrying a bucket of dirty water out. She decided that we could it here after she came back. I don't know what she seen when she went in there but it changed her mind of wanting to use the house. She seemed more opened about it.
"I'ma gonna need more bleach!" Erica said.
"I got it don't worry!" Dana said walking in with at least 5 gallons of bleach.
"Such a life saver!" Erica said and grabbed the bags and took them to the room with a whole bucket of brand new water.
"You need some help?" I asked Erica.
"Nope I got it!" She said and kept walking. After Pac left for L.A. I was feeling alone. The night he left he told me he was going to Chase a dream. He never told me about this dream. He never told me anything about it through out late night conversations and me opening my self up to him but he said he'll be back but in my heart I some what didn't believe him. I knew I shouldn't have moved in with him because it only brought pain and the through of him walking out that door that night still kills me. I grabbed the pillows off the couch and threw them in the trash bag.
"Come help me pull this couch out Dana!" I yelled to her from the kitchen. We were pretty much throwing everything away out of the house. It was all old but a lot of this old stuff held a lot of memories. Me and Dana pulled the couches behind the house and started burning them.
"You think this is her way of purging herself of this house?" Dana asked.
"I don't know! She seems so happy about doing this, maybe she is!" I said back
"She didn't even cry when she walked in, I think she's getting over it cause she did grieve for a while! Maybe it's for the best." She and we just waked the fire burn.


I was getting read of most of this stuff because no one stays here! So I might as well throw it out and burn everything! I was thinking about selling the house. I know a little about rental from books I used to read. After I got the floor cleaned of the blood I pulled the mattress up and pushed it off the box springs. Once it feel to the ground I saw a little note hanging off the side of the box spring. I picked it up and it read.
'By now you most likely though I killed your dad but I didn't! I seen this coming a long time ago and I should have warned you. I came back so that I could protect you and your brother Snake wanted to kill you two but I wouldn't let him. He's evil, I swear he's evil, keep away from him. He's been doing some horrible things. He was the one who rapped Erin, he was the one who got me hooked to drugs and his plan was to get back at me by hurting the people you love. He went for E first so that it would break your heart. He pulled some strings with some crooked cops a while back. He wanted E died from the jump. You ruined his plan. Dana was supposed to kill Cube one night but she chicken out cause she feel in love with. She went back and told Snake she wasn't doing it. He might just her killed at any time, cause he wants her dead! The only reason Snake is doing this is because he thinks your his daughter but you are! I know if your reading this it's because your dad and I are dead! I tried I really tried! I changed my life to save yours. I'm so sorry it ended this way. I didn't mean to put you here!'  The letter read. I walked out to the front porch and stood there and cried. I'm not Snakes daughter, I'm O'Dens daughter. O'Den was the one who took care of me and I have his last name so fuck Snake. He bum ass nigga anyways. I wiped my face with the dry part of my shirt. I looked down at the porch and held onto the rail of the porch.
"You alright?" I heard Dre say. I looked up Immediately.
"Yeah I'm good!" I said wiping my face very quickly.
"You sure?" He said walking up to me but I backed away.
"Yeah." I said he walked up closer again but my feet wouldn't move away so the only thing I could do was look down. He then lifted my face up with his fingers. I had to admit, his scent over took me like a drug. His voice had my mind locked.
"Now tell me what's really wrong?" He said looking me deep into my eyes.
"I'm just tired!" I said 
"Well you need to go home!" He said
"I gotta get this place clean!" I said
"You know what! Let's go get some ice cream!" He said
"I can't leav(GCO)"
"Dana and Erin will be okey here by themselves for 20-30 minutes!" He said and pulled me to the car.
"Give me a strawberry swirl with mixed berry with cream on top." Dre said to the lady in the window of the ice cream shop.
"Do you want any bring ma'am?" She asked.
"Give me the same thing he's having!" I said. Dre paid the lady and turned all to me.
"You like strawberry swirl with mixed berry and cream on the top?" He asked.
"Ever since I was 5! My daddy used to being me here all the time! The last time I was here was when it was my 17 birthday! I always get the same thing. Strawberry swirl with mixed berry and cream on the top." I said
"Me too!" He said.
"Here you go Sir!" She said and handed them to Dre and he paid her. He handed me mines and we sat on the side walk by the park.
"I always like to come and sit here to just clear my mind." He said looking out where the trees and the sky meet.
"It's really peaceful!" I said.
"Yeah! I swear I'm always out here just gazing at all types of things! I hope I make enough money to build a park with this view!" He said. I loved to watch him admire things because it's like he gets lost and finding him is the best part. I got a little piece of ice cream off the top of my cone.
"Dre!" I said and once he turned around I wiped the ice cream on his nose. I busted out laughing.
"You think that's funny?!" He said. In the middle of my laughing spree I felt something cold go down my shirt. I stop laughing and looked at Dre.
"So we gonna do this!" I said and got up. He got up to and looked at me with lust in his eyes and then I threw a piece of ice cream at him again. He threw one at me and this continued until we ran out of ice cream and then he pulled me close. I was breathing hard and I was covered in ice cream.
"I won." I said
"I'll always let you win!" Dre said and kissed me and I kissed back.

Authors notes:
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