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DAY 001 8:04am
Normalcy isn't a usual occurrence in my house.

Actually, I have a very strange home life.

This was further proven by the fact that I'd just awoken from a good night's sleep on a lazy Saturday morning to feel a huge weight on my guts.

Most people have family members like house cats, dogs, lizards, birds, and so on. Maybe there's even a few barely-tolerable children running around amongst their fellow animals. My only friend, however...

He's somewhere in-between.

The source of the weight happened to be a snow-white wolf weighing almost 200 pounds sitting on me, gazing into my bleary violet eyes with wide green ones. It had black ear-tips and pale grey paws, and was a pretty damn terrifying thing to see when you're fresh out of a wonderful dream about destroying your enemies.

A normal person would, at this point, probably scream and try to run halfway to Canada. A normal wolf would likely feel threatened and attack the person instinctively.

Well, I'm not a normal person and this isn't a normal wolf.

As such, I just glared at it and snapped,

"For the love of God, get off of me!!"

At that snarl I let out in a voice still ragged from sleep, the wolf just thumped its tail, gave me a stupid puppy-dog face, and pricked its ears excitedly.

As I struggled to sit up under the idiot's weight, there was an unsettling noise not unlike the sound of a beetle being crushed against the sidewalk.

That happened to be the sound of this wolf's body as it shifted into its other form: a human boy that was just as annoying as the wolf.

He had bright, emerald-green eyes and a round, boyish face that made him look incredibly innocent, as well as olive-coloured skin. A distinct white scar also wound around the middle of his neck. His hair was black and feathery, but his chin-length bangs were swept to the right side of his face and dyed white. He had a scrawny frame for a 17-year-old boy and wore a baggy, baby blue t-shirt with the number eight in black across the back. To top it all off, he wore grey and white plaid pyjama pants.

Well, this dumbass is my only friend.

I mean, it wasn't my choice, but it was kinda my fault. Okay, it was a hundred percent my fault.

He flopped down on his stomach, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I'd yelled at him to get off of me. To be honest, it currently looked like he'd just died of a heart attack. He pressed his face into the blankets covering my legs and mumbled,


In perfect sync, his stomach growled.

I threw him off the bed with a heavy thud as he hit the floor. Rubbing my eyes and feeling no remorse at all, I muttered,

"Why don't you just go eat by yourself instead of waking me up so damn early? It's no wonder you don't have any friends."

He sat up, crossing his legs with a grin up at me as if I hadn't just thrown him down on hardwood floor.

"You're my friend! Also, I got up at 8:45 this morning so that's pretty good for me as far as 'sleeping in' goes."

Façade (DISCONTINUED. Revised and redone as a webcomic)Where stories live. Discover now