Chapter 6: Degeneration

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Day 002 6:37pm
I sat on the floor directly outside the bathroom as Distance showered. I was really, really worried about him but I wasn't gonna sit in the bathroom with him as he showered. He hated his body and didn't want anyone to see it, so gender aside, he wouldn't let me see his body even if we were the same gender.

Triumph chattered with Aspen and Shark downstairs.

He'd gotten more extensive injuries than Distance and Aspen combined, but he'd healed before he, Distance and Aspen had gotten home.

The water turned off and I waited expectantly for Distance to reappear.

Day 002 6:40pm
My stomach was starting to cramp up, but I had no idea whether it was from stress, the blood I'd ingested, or if I had the virus. Although I was pretty sure that it was the virus. I sighed.

Once I'd pulled a shirt and some pyjama pants on, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes seemed tired, and I could feel my eyelids growing heavy.

It was nearly dark outside by this time.

With that simple thought, I glanced at the slash across my knuckles. A scab had formed over it by now, but pus was starting to ooze out from under it and the veins leading away from it were turning an ominous purple colour.


I hissed under my breath.

I had to hide it.

I opened the dark oak doors to the cabinet under the sink, hunting for medical supplies. I found a package of gauze pads and a few safety pins in the old first aid kit, thankfully, and began to bandage my hand. The whole hand was hot and everything within an inch of the cut itself was excruciatingly painful.

I kept trying to deny it, but I knew that I was definitely infected.

The cramps were evolving into nausea now.

"It's'll pass and you'll finally be able to help everyone out like you've always wanted."

I murmured, trying to reassure myself.

It wasn't working well.

All I could think about was an image of me degenerating into a monstrous, cannibalistic husk. Waking up, entering a series of epileptic seizures, trying to eat my mother, my friends, Memory...

I let out a shaky breath.

I had B-type blood. I had a 70% chance of just becoming a Felyne. If I had AB type, I'd only have a 40% chance of that. I kept trying to reassure myself that I'd be fine.

Still, whenever I thought about the possibility of becoming a monster, I felt like curling into a ball and crying.

Day 002 6:45pm
When Distance emerged from the bathroom, he smelled like he was catching some kind of bug. He gave off a sickly smell, like pus and infection.

It was only vague though, and he hadn't been bitten or anything.

However, he did look a bit pale.

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