The Stairway to Exhaustion

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                Chapter 1

     The steps of the Jedi temple were endless. Rey plopped down, bloomfruit in hand, scoffing at the journey she had ahead of her to meet with Master Luke. It often confused her on why, if Jedi were all about simplicity and opposed to excess. Then why were there so many damned steps to their temple?
   The only saving grace about this god forsaken place was Coruscant, the planet itself. Rey sighed. From the altitude near the location the temple, it was always chilly. allowing all the visitors going up and down the temple steps fresh air and a nice breeze. It had been overwhelming when they first got here. The new, the unknown, the busy walkways and airways. All the people, every alien she could name and many that she couldn't. The layers to the city, the trees and temples. The clouds that rolled by elegantly and endlessly.
It never seemed to get hot here. Nothing like her home planet. Jakku had been a harsh place to live, sweltering its poor inhabitants with heat. Rey had always been in either constant need of water, food, or a bath. But that didn't mean she didn't still have love for that junk-yard dessert. Jakku had been simpler. It had been a place of rare and harsh beauty. Yet some people never seemed to understand the desert, how it demanded respect with or without your approval. Rey still thought of Jakku as the place she fit in. She still felt some days that she was a scavenger-girl playing dress-up Jedi.
   It didn't help that Rey had had failed enough of her lessons that Master Luke started training other Force sensitive children. It had become abundantly clear over the last year that Rey had trouble reining in her emotions. It would also take more then just the mere luck to beat Kylo Ren and the First Order for a second time. And without a doubt, there was going to be a second time.
Rey took a large bite of the bloomfruit and wiped the juice of her chin with her thumb. Momentarily letting the sweetness of the fruit take her away from her doubts.
She mumbled something along the lines of 'it'll get easier.' Before dusting herself off and continuing up the steps.

"Master Luke, C3PO informed me you needed a word." Rey said holding her posture straight.
"Yes, Rey. It has been brought to my attention that you seem to be having doubts about your place here."
Master Luke was sitting in his chair next to a holoboard. His metal hand clasped tight within his other.
"Yes, master." Rey looked away, momentarily at a lost for what else to say.
"I've tried mediation, hasn't seemed to be helping." She added.
"I don't need to tell you how dangerous doubt can be, it's a lure young padawan. It brings fear, and soon enough the dark side will call to comfort you. One too many Jedi have fallen  just like this."
Rey looked down at her hands.
"I know. Please instruct me on how to get rid of these doubts Master, I trust your guidance."
Luke's metal hand waved almost dismissively, then again almost ponderous.
"Doubts come from within child, each Jedi must find their own path."
He paused and his eyes, which had been looking away out of focus paused mid though and snapped up to meet Rey's.
"Tell me," he said suddenly. "Do you miss your home planet?"
Rey's mouth hung open a little, momentarily confused on what his reaction to the truth might be.
"I do,"
"Well, maybe it'd be best if you briefly went back to Jakku."
Shock raked up Rey's spine and landed in her clenched fists. She found herself taking a few deep breaths to keep water from coming to her eyes.
"Are you rejecting me as your pupil?"
Luke bounced up out of the seat, wide eyed and worried.
"Never, your an excellent padawan. You have light in you I have never seen, and your strong with the force. I was merely suggesting you spent a week or two away from your studies. Center yourself once more and come back to me whole."
Rey let out her breath.
"A trip back to Jakku?"
"We might call on you at any moment, you'll have to be ready at all times."
Rey eyebrow scrunched up as she thought,
"Will this be safe?"
"As of this moment there has been no movement within the First Order, and they are way beyond the system of Jakku. This will have to be a test of sorts, if at any moment you suspect the First Order may be approaching. You send for us Padawan."
"Yes, master Luke."
"You're dismissed Padawan." Luke gave Rey a one armed hug with a sheepish smile.
"Thank you master Luke."
With that Rey turned an left.

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