Solo and Hutt walk into a bar,

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Please don't hate me,
Also this chapter hasn't gone to the full edit process, but I felt it was about time for an update.
Forgive me.

Kylo had left her alone in the room after Rey's reaction to the kiss.
She's been too consumed with her thoughts to care about his departure, it wasn't a true absence anyway.
She could feel him, nearby. Hovering. His presence flickering in the force like a rancor stalking its prey.
She tried to meditate but she was too frustrated, a single kiss he had given formed a mental spike which invaded even the most sacred of rituals.
Instead she watched the stars pass by the window, every so often she saw planets that piqued her interest. Hoping each time she saw one that they would get close and stop. Then, if they did, she could have a better chance of escape.
She had already tried the door, the air vent above the bed, and the trash compactor for any means of escape. None of them were fruitful.
Her original plan seemed idiotic to her now. Foolish and premature. She would have to wait for a transfer. Where they took her from one location to the next.
Hopefully it would be with first order troopers and not anyone strong with the force. She couldn't win a force battle with a weak mind. And right now she more unsure then she had ever been on Coursant.
They passed by bright yellow giant.
The warm rays of light mingled with the bland white illumination of the room. She almost felt the heat for a second.
Then like everything else, it faded away.
Rey pushed her self away from the window sill she had been leaning up against and crawled onto the bed.
Master Luke would be disappointed.
All of his tales had been filled with perseverance and action. Movements and plan. Devious plots and ways to overcome. They were filled with bravery.
How many times did they sit and wait as she was? How many times were they left with so little a plan that their best hope was someone simple minded crossing their path? Once, maybe twice? Hardly ever it seemed.
No their minds were constantly moving in the face of almost certain betrayal or death. And her mind seemed like it had slowed. There would be no quick escape and perfectly placed flyer waiting for her this time. Luck wasn't on her side today.
Maybe it's punishment for not controlling her emotions better. For not being a strong Jedi. For doubting her abilities. The force was trying to test her, balance her in some unknown way.
But for know she would have to scrounge up all her bravery and strength to conquer a war of emotions inside her.
She has to win, to escape, and notify Luke of the first orders plans. When, of course, she actually figured those plans out.
She fiddled with her red cape nervously, so much was unknown.
Why had the rebellion think it was safe for her to go home? Furthermore how could she have been so naive to believe nothing would go wrong? She balled up the material in her fist.
Master Luke was right, self doubt was poison.
Her eyes shifted to the melted mask, the dark side would win if she couldn't trust herself. If she couldn't trust the force.
She beat Kylo once with confidence, she would do it again. She had to, the rebellion against the first order counted on it.
The door to the room opened, Kylo stepped in and leaned up against the door frame. His presences bucked against the force, she could feel it in waves bouncing all around, agitated and violent. A trooper followed shorty behind with a white briefcase. The trooper kept walking past Kylo, until he was almost a foot away from the bed. His movements were stiff.
"Before you gave me this scar," Kylo titled his face to Rey, "I kept thinking about how you escaped. And later it began to remind me of a joke the Hutts used to say about my mother."
The trooper lifted the briefcase, the release hatch hissed as he opened it facing himself.
Rey pushed herself off the bed, the opposite side of the trooper, and backed away.
This wouldn't be good, she could feel it. Another moment today where she felt backed into a corner. She bit hard on the inside of her cheek. If she could only use the force, her hands shook at the thought. She had no control right now.
"They talk about cuffing her with a Tourt slave collar. Do you know them?" A smile was almost gracing Kylo's lips. Rey exhaled hard to let go of her anger.
"Was that a yes? I couldn't tell. Anyways just in case you're about as ignorant as I think you are, it's a fun little tracker. Sends off a paralyzing shock if I see that someone lets the savage off the leash."
Rey didn't even blink at the insult, instead she balanced herself. Ready to run at just the right second. The trooper dropped the case and revealed a sleek black collar, lined with a red grow and matte holo code panel. It was technology she had never seen, not during her time as a junker- not even on Crousant.
She pushed off her heel, it was now or never.
Kylo swung his arm out. And all her limbs in an instant froze. She fell to the floor unable to move at all. Her lungs began to scream, her mind began to race. Her heart beat was thunder in her ears. She lashed out in her thoughts screaming at Kylo. His grip loosened and she took in a gasping breath as spots formed in her vision. She pushed herself to her side, blinking furiously to see what was going on around her. She could hear steps and she pushed away from them. Kylo came into focus just as she heard a click, the collar expanded and condensed and then formed slight pressure around her neck. Frustration and anger bubbled to the surface, staring into his emotionless face. She wanted to hit him, to hurt him. To throw him into a star and smile.
Kylo traced the collar with his fingers, "That won't do, I much prefer the cold."
Rey smacked his hand away, "Get out of my head Ren."
Kylo stood up and smiled, lifting a black and red sided pyramid in his right hand, his thumb swiped an onyx side.
Every nerve in Rey's body was on fire, being hit again and again as if by a million tiny needles. Leaving her twitching and wheezing on the floor.
A small noise escaped her as she attempted to sit up again.
"No." Kylo responded after she sat up fully.

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