Prison Cell Decorum

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Sorry for all the random updates,
I re-read my chapters, and then I hate them.
So, I edit away.
And it's probably incredibly annoying.
I sincerely apologize. I'm still new at this.
Here is an update to make up for it.


Chapter 4

The world was shifting, suspended through different layers of darkness. Rey's body touched nothing, felt nothing. She felt for anything. Anything close enough to be gripped. For her to pull forward, away from the lull and absent bliss of sleep, anything to move her toward the light.
Awakening your conscious through a force command was the equivalent of doing a push-up with a Hutt on your back.
But Rey could feel an awakening about to happen in the darkness, the nothingness echoed ripples of anger. It shouted a wordless command.
But the awakening wouldn't stand for that. It was too close.
If only her fingertips were a hair longer.
She could reach.
She had too, she didn't know why. But she had to wake up.

The air was dark and cool, Rey could feel it smothering her warmth. Her light.
Her light?
Rey's eyes snapped open as she pushed herself up. Looking around for the source of that vileness, whatever was making her so incredibly nauseous. A presence was attacking her inner harmony, attacking her light. Her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting as she took in her surroundings. She was in a cell, or what appeared to be a cell. Everything was plain. All the surfaces were grey, drab, dark, and-
A small noise of surprise left Rey's mouth.
A mask lay in the middle of the room on a pedestal, as if in a makeshift alter.
She knew that mask.
Every being capable of thinking in the galaxy knew that mask. It haunted the dreams of children and adults alike. Although it may be burned, disfigured, and dusted in soot; it left Rey wheezing.
That, was Darth Vader's mask.
Scrambling to get as far as she could, her leg haphazardly got caught in cloth sending her sprawling to the floor.
Rey's eyes shifted down to her leg.
A blanket?
A thin one. Small and grey in nature matching the decor of the room. She inspected it before she pulled it around herself. Rey took a deep breath calming herself, she stood testing her legs for injury.
"Outdone yourself this time," she whispered to nothing in particular.
Looking around the room she could see no windows-no doors. Just smooth metal walls. But the presence of the mask was suffocating, she needed to leave. And soon.
Rey traced her hands against the walls looking for anything, a pop out edge, a hidden escape latch, an underground access hatch but nothing.
Defeat washed over her and she let out a frustrated growl. Closing her eyes and letting her head fall back she attempted to rein in her emotions. Repeating the words Jedi mantra in her head, she tried to sync with the force. Let the calmness in, let it gravitate her to a state of peace.
It worked,
Kind of.
Slowly Rey opened her eyes, and let out a small breathy laugh as she looked at the ceiling above her.
An air vent, big enough she could squeeze through.
Rey jumped up and down in victory.
She halted after a moment suddenly becoming painfully aware that the mask seemed to watch her every movement. Her slight body shuddered before she stared to jumped into action.
First she moved the bed under the vent, finding that wasn't high enough, even while jumping, she placed one of the side tables for the bed on top and balanced herself upon it. This time she was able to reach the edge inside but the thin grey blanket slipped off her shoulders causing Rey to get goosebumps within seconds.
As if the mask could physically touch her exposed shoulders. She was temped to tossed the tiny grey cloth aside but with a longing look she tied it around her shoulders making a shawl and stepped onto her tippy-toes to grip the ledge.
Struggling to get her second elbow on the ledge is when she hear it.
The electronic woosh of a door opening.
"I swear, you're a half step above savage."
Rey rolled her eyes at a surprised Kylo's words, trying to decide if it was worth it to continue fleeing at this point.
She felt a tug on her ankle.
Nope, apparently not.
She flopped down.
Kylo was wearing his mask, but she knew that already from the echoing metallic tone his voice carried when he had called her a savage.
"Your adjectives to describe me have become a little more colorful, Oh great big Master of Ren." She barked sarcastically as she jumped off of the bed, her arms folded instinctively over her chest.
"No, you just have an inadequate knowledge of my vocabulary." Kylo reached for the pressure release at his chin a took of his helmet in one foul swoop. He put the helmet and what looked like spare clothes on an undisrupted table in the corner of the room before walking close to the north wall to leaned casually against it.
Rey's eyes narrowed.
"Given we've conversed a grand total of three time before this, I would say inadequate describes our knowledge of each other perfectly."
She watched him smirk at her words.
"I know a lot about you Rey, don't delude yourself into thinking your ignorance is mutual." His left arm swung behind him hitting the wall behind him with a clenched fist.
Mechanical whirling erupted, as the metal walls retracted. A large window, showcasing a magnificent array of planets and stars was revealed behind Kylo. The east wall revealed an archway to a kitchen or lounging area and behind Rey were two frosted doors that she assumed were a closet and lavatory.
"I should have tried hitting the stupid walls," she muttered to herself as Rey eyed her surroundings with suspicion.
"Before you embarrass yourself further with your genuine lack of knowledge, I really must insist you bathe. You smell like Jedi scum."
Rey was about to retort when Kylo interrupted
"I've taken the liberty of acquiring appropriate clothing for our journey. You will be required to remain in this form of attire for the entirety of our partnership. You cannot simply scamper about in wisps of clothes and," he motioned toward her." blankets." Rey looked down and resisted the urge to roll her eyes again.
"Since I cannot trust you enough to not escape, I will now be providing continuous surveillance until I can contact an engineer to seal my vents. " the sarcasm was not lost on her.
"Congratulations, I hope your comfortable with nudity." He added with a rare smile.
"You are not accompanying me while I bathe." Rey replied. Her anger flared and she fought to keep it contained.
"Scavenger, this isn't a debate. You cannot be trusted." He added calmly.
"I cannot be trusted?" Rey laughed humorlessly. The man who murdered his own father thought she was the one unworthy of trust. The same man who was thinking it was perfectly acceptable to just barge in, demand she bathe, and allowed him to watch?
Over her cold, dead body.
"Don't delude yourself, if I wanted your body i would have it."
"Oh, I'm just supposed to believe you have no moral obligation to provide me with privacy?"
"I don't give a shit about your privacy. I don't give a shit about your feelings either. You will wash the smell off Luke Skywalker and Coruscant off your skin and wear clothes that do not leave your skin and shape exposed for all to see; even if I have to strip and bathe you myself."
His words had seem to get darker and harsher by the second.
Her adrenaline was starting to kick in, she could feel the tingle beginning at her fingertips. Conversation with Kylo had just gone from causal to dangerous. He was leaning in, his dark presence looming in towards her. She did the only thing she could think of.

Dart into one of the rooms behind her.

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