Goodnight, I guess.

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Chapter 3

"Well, loathsome desert rat. It seems the Force has come to the universe's greatest irony. I need your help."
Rey stood for a second waiting for the other shoe to drop. The great and powerful master of Ren just looked at her expectantly.
A giggle escaped her lips. Her hand flew up to halt the hysterical laughter.
She failed.
Kylo's arms folded. "When your done we can discuss this."
Rey only laughed harder, looking up and him and then flopped down on her ass clutching her stomach.
"Yo-you, You need, MY help? Oh-my-galaxies-this-is-priceless. Oh wait wait wait, Let me get this straight. You come here," Rey spoke as she stood up, losing all laughter in her voice. "Attack me-"
"You were attempting to attack me."
Rey rolled her eyes.
"Poorly, I might add." Kylo interrupted.
"And then you expect me, to just help you out like we're friends?" Rey finished.
"Not exactly. I expect you to first, consider helping me and my cause. And if you decline I will force you."
Rey scoffed.
"It only looks better on me if you voluntarily help. But it is unnecessary."
"That isn't help, that's extortion."
"One in the same."
"You're insufferable."
"And you're such a delight. Can we skip to the part where you decide to do this voluntarily?"
"And why would I do that?" 
"Besides the threat of great bodily harm?"
"I do remember beating you and leaving you for dead Kylo. Or am I mistaken?"
"I was a fool then. I know so much more now. So.Much.More." Kylo leaned toward her, inches from her. "How is your time with master Luke going? I hear you're quite the disappointment."
Rey clenched her jaw. "There is a special place for you to burn Kylo Ren."
Caught at a standstill, Rey listened to the sand blow against the metal of her makeshift home.  Sand drifted around Kylo's black polished boots before settling.
She had almost enjoyed coming back home. For a split second there had been bliss and warmth.
The pristine condition of all his clothes was foreign here. Knocking her back to her senses. His thick black tunic sweater must be miserable in the dry heat.
Good, she thought.  He should suffer at least a little, invading her home like this.
"What could you possibly need from me, Kylo Ren?" The more she said his name, the more it sounded like a curse.
"I need access to a very exclusive planet. And that is all I can disclose."
"This reeks of the dark side I cannot help you." Rey had assessed her situation. The odds were against her, her staff to far to reach for help, her force technique too weak, and her hand-to-hand combat insufficient. She would lose this. Her only hope would be to stall, and somehow reach out to master Luke through Holo communication on the speeder outside.
Kylo sighed.
His mouth pursed while he stared at her, contemplative.
She'd seen that face during their interrogation session.
Not good.
"You know I can take what I want."
"That's a little repetitive, Kylo."
"Its true."
He stepped over to her, reaching out to brush back a loose strand of hair. She went to slap away his hand but he caught her wrist. He took a step toward forcing her to press her back against the wall.
He lowered himself toward her so his lips brushed her ear.
Rey could hear her own heart beat. A warmth of embarrassment flooded her cheeks as she tried to shove against his chest with the force, when he didn't budge she pushed again with her strength.
A slight chuckle from him froze her in place.
His lips grazed her ear again as a single word left his mouth. Causing her whole world to go black.


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