Cruelly Curious

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                Chapter 6

"Curiosity, exhaustion, surprise? Maybe I knew interrogation was inevitable?" Rey leaned back, away from Kylo. Who had a habit of being to close for her comfort.
"Excuses. You thought it was endearing," he held a smirk on his lips as he spoke. His eyes were drifting across her facial features, causing Rey to look anywhere else beside at him.
"You are far too close Ren, haven't you heard of personal space?" She stated as she side-stepped away from him and walked to the living area of the kitchen.
She sat in a lounging chair, put her legs over the arm and used the cape as a blanket.
"I know this is a game for you, so just stop." Her words came out low, almost whispered. She knew he could hear her even though he had made no attempt to move from the large window in the sleeping area.
She looked up from the cape as kylo turned and leaned his back against the window.
He looked serene; his dark hair fell in waves against the collar of his shirt, his hands grasping the lip of the window seal and his mere presence seemed relaxed. She tilted her head gazing at his face, the high check bones the angular jaw and dark eyes. She followed his gaze out of curiosity to Vader's mask on the alter.
A shiver raced up her spine.
Rey looked away. Unease filled her stomach. For a split moment she had been admiring Kylo as attractive, forgetting who he was. Forgetting what he'd done.
Her brows knit together and she looked down at her hands. How could she?
'If she was a true Jedi,' she thought 'she would be able to control herself better.' Her heart sunk. Rey had been so optimistic in the beginning of all this. Hopefull about it all, about being force sensitive. Everyone had been initially so impressed with her skills, and she got consumed in all the possibilities .
Only later had she seen the disappointment erupt in their eyes. When she got got upset, they'd look away. Ashamed of how influenced by her emotions she could become. She remembered how much it scared Master Luke. She once even overheard General Liea tell Luke how much Rey had reminded her of Ben.
She had failed them, Ret wasn't the pure light they needed for the upcoming war.
She looked back up to Kylo.
He was facing her but he still seemed lost in thought. As if he was about to speak but decided at the last second not to.
Rey wondered if Ben Solo was still in there, somewhere tucked away. Just like the old Rey, that sunny version of herself that still hopped, buried deep within her.
"What are you thinking about?" The words brought her back, she realized she had been staring at him.
"Ben Solo." The name left her lips before she really registered the question.
"Hnn," Kylo responded. He walked to the chair opposite of her and sat down. "What about him?" He asked.
"I overheard his mother once, talking about him. And how much I reminded her of him." Rey stated. If she had been weaker she would have lied.
Kylo looked at her, she couldn't make out what expression he held. He didn't respond.
"What were you thinking about?" She asked instead, to change the subject.
"Nothing I would confide in you." Kylo's posture changed, for the first time that day she noticed him lean away from her.
"Why wont you tell me?" Rey asked.
"Why are you honest with me?" He responded.
She shrugged. "I see no reason to lie about my thoughts."
"You're a fool."
"We finally agree." She joked, attempting to lighten the mood. He didn't seem to take the hint.
He left his chair abruptly. And walked almost to the bed before turning back toward her as if he was going to pace the space between them.
"You want to know?" He seemed a little unsure of his decision. But he held out a hand and motioned for her to come forward.
Rey hesitated, curiosity and spontaneity could be dangerous.
But what else was there to do? She couldn't escape while he was here. She defiantly couldn't attempt to contact Master Luke and the resistance.
She step up and walked over to him, he still held his hand out and she tentatively took it. Unsure of what he exactly wanted. He gripped her arm, her vision became blurry and her mind emitted pain from everywhere but also seemed to come from nowhere.  Her vision blurred into something else.
She saw herself; her eyes were closed, mouth slightly ajar, her hands wrapped around another hand-Kylo's hand.
She was watching herself heal Kylo from his perspective.
Pain shot into her hand, she felt it sting as it healed and she felt, centered? It calmed the rest of the pain, left her feeling warm in the vision.
She felt her vision-self pull away from his hand, saw her own eyes open.
She felt pleasure.
The vision rippled away and was replaced.
For a slight seconds she saw herself put on the wine colored shirt, she was exposed and wet but that vision rippled away faster than the first.
Kylo was giving her these thoughts but she had a sense it was hard for him to isolate what he was trying to express. It was like someone flipping through sections of a book to find the right chapter when the pages weren't numbered.
Rey started to feel a tingle when the images started to slow down.
She saw herself looking out the window, Kylo's
thumb tracing the back of her neck. From the way she could see now, her neck seemed small. His fingertips on either side.
A feeling churned inside her mind. It was soothing, intangible, unexplainable but it was all encompassing.
Something made her want to lean forward. But in that moment Kylo did in the vision. A flutter happened in her stomach.
Rey's eyebrows knit together.
Something was wrong. The feeling, it wasn't pure. It wasn't light. She could feel that twinge she felt when she woke up. The dark side.
That feeling, that indescribable feeling she had earlier was burning and she finally was able to pin point what it was.
Her heart beat raced as she tried to break away, fall back from the vision but the image of Kylo fingers on her neck kept echoing behind her eyes.
Rey felt something move toward her, outside of the vision. She struggled to open her eyes, warmth spreading through her chest and tingling began at her fingertips.
Rey finally fell from the vision, her senses growing sharp again as she tried to understand her surroundings.
Amber and brown eyes met her. And for a split second the world was still before his eyes closed and his lips met her's.
Her breath caught.
His lips were cooler than her's. It was a strange feeling. She expected him to be full of rage and fire, but his lips were cool and smooth.
It tingled.

Snow in the Summer (Reylo FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora