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When Sarah and Evan came out of the elevator, she ran over to Jessica.
"Jessica!  I heard it!  I heard it!  My baby's heartbeat, I heard it!" She hugs her.
"Awe Sarah!  I'm so happy for you!"
"Thank you!  I'm happy for you too!  So what did they tell you?!"
"Everything looks good!  They had to check me because of the surgery I just had, but everything was completely normal, and we have a healthy eight week old baby!" She smiles.
"Awe that's awesome!.. Wait!  Eight weeks?"
"Yeah and five days.  What are you?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, why?  What are you?"
"Eight weeks and five days!"
"What?!  Oh my Gosh, really?!"
"Yeah!  Oh my God!  So your due date is-"
"March 30th!"
"Mine too!"
"Ahh!" Jessica grabs her.
"This is so awesome!  Oh my gosh, you guys!  What did you and Evan have a pact to get us pregnant on the same day, or what?" Sarah laughs.
"Yeah we did.  We timed it perfectly." Danny jokes.
"Oh but this is going to be so much fun! Our babies will be best friends!" Jessica hugs her.
"Yes they will!" Sarah hugs her back.


Two weeks later...

Sarah had such horrible morning sickness and it just didn't seem to be getting any better.
"Sar, I hate seeing you like this." Evan rubs her back and looks at her through the bathroom mirror.
"Well I hate feeling like this... But you know what, I'm not gonna complain.  That means our little peanut is healthy."
"Mhm!  Sick mommy, healthy baby." Evan pats her hip and kisses her cheek.
"That's right.." She gives him a weak smile.
"Go lay down and I'll make you something to eat."
"No Evan, I can't even think about food right now!"
"Well Sarah, you have to eat something."
"I can't keep anything down!  Everything makes me sick!"
"I know, but you have to try.  This baby's hungry." He rubs her stomach.
"..Alright.." She cracks a small smile.
"Oh what is that?!  Is that a smile I see?"
"Stop!" She giggles and turns her face.
Evan chuckles then lightly touches her chin, before he turns her face to his and says, "Kiss me."
"Evan stop, I wreak!" She pushes him off of her.
"You do not!" He laughs.
"You just brushed your teeth, now kiss me!" He picks her up and quickly bring his lips to hers.
"Evan!" She laughs with her legs and arms wrapped around him.
"Mmm.. Minty!" Evan smiles.
"You're such a dork!" She giggles.


A week later...

Sarah went to visit Jessica and the kids, while Evan was at a meeting, and Danny was out running errands.
"Hey, how ya feelin' honey?" Jessica hugs her.
"Like shit." She pouts.
"Aw, I'm sorry!"
"Thanks.. How about you?"
"Pretty much the same.  Danny keeps telling me that I'm so tiny this time, but Jesus Christ, I throw up everything that goes into my stomach!  I am just an empty body with a tiny little baby in me!" She puts her hand on her stomach.
"Awe!" Sarah laughs and walks into the living room.
"Where are the kids?"
"They're upstairs in the play room, I just couldn't take it anymore."
"Awe, are they bothering you?"
"Yes!  I mean, they aren't being bad, but I just can't handle the noise!  My head feels like it's about to explode!" She grabs handfuls of her hair.
"Poor thing!  Well, I'm gonna go say hi to my little munchkins."
"Alright, you want anything?  I'm making their lunch right now.. Although Isaiah might not want it." She sighs.
"That boy still won't get off the boob, will he?" She laughs.
"No!" Jessica whines.

"Freeze babies!" Sarah shoots a pretend gun at them with her hands.
"Ah!  Aunt Sarah!" Gabriella jumps up.
"Aauuaa Sarah!" Isaiah mumbles.
"Hi baby boy!" She giggles.
"What are you two up to?"
"We playing with my dollies!  Zaya has to practice for the new baby."
"Oh are you teaching him how to be a good big brother?"
"Yes, cause I big and I a big sister, so I know how it goes."
"Oh you do?" Sarah smiles.
"Yeah!  I good!"
"Yes you are!" She laughs.
"Here, you can practice too and I show you how to be a mommy."
"Oh thank you!" Sarah takes the doll.
"I know how to be a mommy cause I have one!"
"Oh really?  Haha, you are the cutest, Gabby!"
"Yes I am.  Now listen to me."
"Hah!  Aye aye, Jessica." Sarah jokes and salutes her.
"That's not my name, that's mommy's name!"
"I know but you sounded like your momma when you said that, silly goose!"
"I don't sound like mommy, mommy yells!" Gabriella laughs.
"Haha!  You're awesome, Gabby!" Sarah laughs.
"Yes, I know.  Now back to the babies!" She grabs the doll and throws it at Sarah.
"Oh thanks!" Sarah chuckles.
"Before the baby's born, you have to have her in your tummy.  So put it in your tummy!"
"You want me too?"
"Uh huh!" Gabriella nods.
"Alright!" Sarah does what she is told.
"Zaya, you too!"
Isaiah takes his binky out of his mouth and points at her, "No!" He yells.
"Aw Zaya, come on.. Play along!" Sarah laughs and sticks the doll in his shirt.

Jessica walks in, "Lunch is-- Oh!" She says as she lets out a small gasp.
"Hah!  Well, how long have I been down there?" She asks looking at Sarah with a baby bump.
Sarah laughs and says, "Gabby's teaching me all about being a mommy."
"Oh Gabby!" Jessica laughs.
"Oh look at you!  Do you have a baby in your tummy, Gabby?" Jessica smiles and crinkles her nose.
"I do!  and so does Zaya!" She points.
Isaiah tuns around and Jessica laughs, "Oh they've even got my baby in it!"
"Well I wanna hear the rest of this little lesson." Jessica sits down.
"Continue Gabby." Sarah tells her.
"Okay!  So you get really really big and your belly grows and grows until the baby pops out of your.. well *Giggles* Out of your--"
"We get it, Gabby!" Jessica laughs.
"You have to take all your clothes off and Daddy will yell at you to push push push!  Mommy will yell and try to hit daddy until she pushes the baby all the way out!"
Sarah is cracking up and Jessica just chuckled and nodded her head.
"You are crazy, child!" Jessica tells her.
Gabriella giggles and says, "And when the baby comes out, he's all full of jelly!"
"Jelly?" Jessica laughs.
"Oh is that what that is?!" Sarah plays along.
"Yeah, I teach you more but it's my lunch time she walked out of the room.
"That is Your child!" Sarah laughs.
"She's a mess." Jessica chuckles then picks Isaiah up and says, "You hungry, big boy?" She takes the doll out of his shirt.
"Oh if only it was that easy to have a baby!" She sighs.
Isaiah giggles and says, "Num nums?" He smiles big and pulls her shirt all the way down.
"Isaiah!" She gasps and covers her boob.
Sarah laughs and says, "and He is Danny's child!"
"You got that right!" Jessica chuckles.

I don't think I've said it in this story yet, but I said it in "Two Fools in Love"
Gabriella doesn't know that Sarah is pregnant yet.
What team are you on? #TeamPink or #TeamBlue 💗💙
What do you think the baby will be?

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