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"Evan, I want it out." Sarah says as she lays on the couch with her big belly in the air.
"What, sweetie?"
"What the fuck do you think? God. I hate you! I actually hate you!"
Evan swallows hard and says, "Well..um... how about I go get us some Chinese food? I know that always makes you happy!" He tries to save it, but fails.
"Why? So that this baby grow bigger and bigger, until it just bust right out of my stomach?"
"No... Sweetie.. I-I"
"Don't. Talk."
"Alright! I can do that!" He chuckles nervously.

Evan straightens up the living room and Sarah watches him with anger.
"What are you doing?"
"Just cleaning up a little."
"Well you're making too much noise!"
"I'm sorry.."

He moves her feet to sit down and puts them on his lap.
"How about a foot massage?"
Sarah gives him an evil stare and says, "Where's my Chinese food?"
"I'm on it!" He hops up and grabs his keys.
"I'll be back." He leans down to kiss her, but she turns her head.
"Okay.. Love you!"


While driving Evan calls Danny.


"Danny! Dan, I need someone to talk to that knows what I'm going through."

"Sarah's moody, isn't she?"

"Danny, she's mean!"

"Ah..You did this to her, and now she wants you dead, am I right?"

"Yes! Danny, she hates me!"

"She doesn't hate you, Evan. She's uncomfortable, tired, and more than likely scared to death about having a baby. I know it's hard, but you'll get your wife back soon."

"I just wish I could make her happy. I feel horrible that she's miserable. I know Jessica has gone through this a few times. How do you get through it?"

"I let her tell me how much she hates me.. How much I disgust her, and sometimes she even hits me. That's all I can do. You have to realise what they're what going through.. they're carrying these babies for months, peeing fifty times a day, having a full grown baby kick you in the ribs, stretching out and causing you to be uncomfortable and in pain twenty-four seven, throwing up, having braxton hicks! The list goes on and on! Just be patient with her. They're in the middle of creating a miracle. Our wives rock, man!"

"Hah! They sure do.. Thanks, Dan."

"Anytime! I'm glad I could pass down some of my expertise."

Evan laughs and says, "Yeah look at that! You're good for something! You big goof!"


While Evan is out, Sarah calls Jessica.



"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. *Sighs* I'm uncomfortable.. I'm tired.. I feel like crying at all times, I feel like I'm going crazy, and I'm mean Jessica!  I'm so mean! I don't mean to be like this, but I can't help it!" She cries.

"Oh Sarah, I know how you feel.. but sweetie, just know that it's so worth it. I know, believe me, I know! I know how hard it is, and how you start to feel like you're losing your mind.. To be honest, there's nothing really that makes you feel better. Of course knowing the reason you're going through all of this makes you feel better, but there's nothing that will make you more comfortable.. Nothing to make your mind feel normal again, and nothing to take away that worry. But know that once that baby's out.. Honey, you'll gladly do it all over again."

Sarah sniffles and lets out a quiet chuckle, before she says, "Yeah?"

"Yes, sweetie!  It'll be over before you know it, and soon you'll have that beautiful baby in your arms."

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