I'm fine!

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The morning or Lily's wedding, Sarah didn't feel right.
Jessica told her to get some rest until it was time to get her hair and makeup done, but was woken up by a strong pain.
She sits up and waits for the pain to ease, then walks to the living room.

"Hey Sar, you feelin' better?"
"Yeah.. I feel fine." She smiles.

Sarah knew she had just a busy day the night before, and was just tired. she didn't want steal any of Lily's thunder, so she kept quiet.


"Aunt Sarah, look at me! I a pretty flower girl!"
"Yes you are, sweetie! The most gorgeous flower girl I have ever seen!"
"Yes.." Gabriella agrees as she twirls around.
Sarah laughs and Jessica says, "Gabby, sit down. I don't want you to mess your hair up."
"I not gonna mess my hair up, mommy!"
"Not if you sit your little butt down!"
"YOU sit your big booty down!"
"Little girl!"
"Yes mommy?" Gabriella tries to act innocent.
"You are such a little mess!"
"I now a mess! I clean!"
"Oh! My mistake!" She laughs.

Lily goes up to Gabriella and says, "Gabby, I have a surprise for you!"
"Mhm! Can you guess what it is?!"
"CAKE?!" Her eyes light up.
"Haha! Later, but the surprise is!.. I'm gonna have a baby!"
"Another baby?! Oh my gosh, we gonna be so busy!"
Everyone laughs and Lily says, "We sure are, aren't we?!"
"Just make sure it's a girl, Lily pad!"
"I'll try to do that for you, Gabriella!" She smiles.


Isaiah didn't want to go in the limo with Danny and the other guys, so he went with Jessica and fell asleep on the way to the church.

While in the limo, Jessica talks to Sarah's baby.
"Hello, baby! It's your auntie, Jessica! You're so big in your mommy's tummy! I can't wait for you to come out all cute and chubby like your cousin, Isaiah!"
Sarah laughs and says, "Oh gosh, I wish this baby would drop already! I can't breathe!"
"Hopefully he or she will drop soon, high babies mean a long labor and delivery!"
"Oh don't tell me that!"
Jessica laughs and says, "But I'm sure little bean will drop soon."
"Hopefully!" Sarah sighs.

Jessica continues to talk to the baby, and puts her hand on her stomach to feel it kick.
"You love your aunt Jessie, don't you?!" She says in a cute voice before she kisses her stomach.
"I think they love their auntie Gabby, too!" Gabriella hugs and kisses Sarah's stomach.
They laugh and Jessica says, "You're their cousin, Gabby!"
"Does that mean I the boss?"
"No it does not! Now sit back and eat your snack!"

Sarah gets a contraction, so she closes her eyes and breathes through it.
"Aunt Sarah, what you doing?"
"She has a little pain in her tummy, just give her a second, baby." Jessica tells her.
"Oh.. The baby coming?!"
"Not yet, sweetie." Sarah smiles and cups her face in her hand.
"When she coming?"
"We don't know.. And we don't know if it's a girl either, baby!" Sarah chuckles.
"It HAS to be a girl! I tired of dressing Zaya up as a girl!" She pouts.
Sarah laughs and says, "Well maybe your mommy's next baby will be a girl."
"Uh, don't get her started on the next one!" Jessica gives her a look.


"Hey baby! You look beautiful!" Evan comes up to Sarah when she gets there.
"Thank you.. I don't feel beautiful." She says with a pout.
"Aw, what's wrong?"
"I don't feel well."
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" Evan freaks out a bit.
"I'm fine, I just think we were up too late last night, and the baby is just restless right now! I just can't wait to hop into bed tonight." She says with a tired chuckle.
"My poor baby." Evan hugs her.


During the wedding vows Sarah gets a few contractions. She tries to stay as calm as possible, even though she was screaming on the inside, and Jessica could see right through her act.
She watched her as her forehead sweat, her jaw clenched and her eyes closed shut.

After the wedding, Jessica goes over to her and says, "Hey, you okay? You looked like you were in pain in there."
"Oh I'm fine! I was just moved by everything.. I mean, it's a wedding!"
"Mhm.. Well, just be careful.. And keep an eye on how far along the contractions are."
"Alright. I'm fine though... Really!" She smiles.
"Okay! If you say so!"


Oh God, I'm not okay!

"Hey baby, let's dance." Evan takes her hand.
Sarah figured she'd just dance. It helped Jessica through her contractions when she was in labor, maybe it would work for her.

It helped a little, but she eventually had to sit down.
Jessica on the other hand was fine! It was like she wasn't even pregnant.
She never left the dance floor. That girl just loves to dance!


Sarah and Evan decided to head home so that she could rest, just in case this was the real thing.
They just wanted one more dance.

"Sarah, do you realize that in the next few days.. Our lives can be changed forever,"
She smiles and says, "Yeah... We could have a baby soon!"
"Ye... You're so amazing, baby girl.." He smiles down at her.
"No I'm not." She nods.
"Yes you are! I love you, baby."
"I love you more, Mr. Man!" She giggles.
He chuckles, then leans down for a kiss.

They continue dancing, when all of a sudden Sarah grabs onto Evan in pain.
"Ah! Evan!"
"Are you okay?!" He panics.
"Evan, I can't take it anymore! I'm having this baby! We need to go to the hospital."

Jessica sees her and runs over to them.
"Jessica! I-I.. I think-"
"It's time! Get in the car!" She yells.
"It's time? It's time? I-I'm gonna be a father?!" Evan freaks out.
"You're gonna be a father, my man!" Danny pats his back and smiles.
"But.. But I'm just a kid!"
"Well, now you're having one!" He laughs.
"But.. I-I.. We were going back home... I thought we still had a couple days."
"When a baby's ready to be born, there's no stopping it, honey!" Jessica tells him, then adds, "Now get her in the car!"
"What car?  We all came in limos!"
"Ah shit!" Jessica slaps her hand on her thigh and says, "Well they should still be here, Danny go out there and ask one of them to take us to the hospital!  I'm gonna go tell Lily!  Sarah honey, sit down and breathe, okay?"
"Okay.." She says breathing through the pain.
"Jess!  Jess!" Evan calls her.
"What?!" She turns sharply towards him.
"What do I do?!"
"STAY WITH HER!" She yells.

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