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Once we made it back home, we continued with the rest of our day, cleaning and cooking dinner. I took Dr. Elizabeth's advice, and snacked on some crackers to help with the nausea, which helped a lot. Johnny had headed out to look for Shante to talk to her and invite her back over, he was hesitant to leave me alone, after what had happened with Justin, but I reassured him that I would be okay, and that this was important. I waited in the room I shared with Pony and Soda, keeping the door locked, until he or one of the other guys got back. I just sat down on the bed, reading a book, as I waited.


Johnny came back with Shante at the same time Pony and Two-Bit got back. I opened the bedroom door cautiously, peeking out just to be safe.

“It's safe to come out, hon,” Johnny said. I opened the door and stepped out, heading into the living room. “Sorry we took so long.”

“It's okay,” I said. “I'm just glad you're okay. How was everybody's day?”

“It was fine,” Pony said, sitting on the couch.

“Same old day. Teachers have no sense of humor,” Two-Bit said, sitting on the couch, after getting a beer from the fridge.

“It was okay, I talked to my friend, and she would love to meet you,” Shante said.

“Okay, great,” I said. “It will have to be a little later. I just wanted to let you guys know something important. Soda and Darry already know, but well…” I began, looking over at Johnny.

“Go ahead, hon,” Johnny gently encouraged.

“I uh… I'm pregnant,” I said, figuring that just saying it would make it easier to get through.

“What did Darry say?” Pony asked.

“He didn't say anything at first, but then he told me I had his support in my decision to keep it,” I said.

“Way to go, Johnny,” Two-Bit said, clapping him on the back, nearly knocking him into the couch.

“Don't encourage him,” Shante said.

“Please, don't,” Johnny said awkwardly. “You're making it sound like I planned this out.”

“Yeah, this was not planned whatsoever,” I said.

“What happened to being safe, Johnny?” Shante asked, looking at Johnny, getting ready to scold him.

“It wasn't his fault. We were being safe. It's just that…” I said, growing embarrassed.

“The condom broke,” Johnny said. Shante's expression softened a little, and she sighed.

“Do you guys have a plan at least?” Shante asked, sitting on the couch.

“I'm going to start working, save up some money. It should at least hold us over until I have the baby and find something permanent,” I said. I didn't want Darry or Soda to start working more hours just to support this baby, and I didn't want Pony to have to drop out like Soda did. I wanted to pull my own weight around the house, and it wasn't like I hadn't worked before. In the house I stayed at in Louisiana I pulled my own weight, not because I had to, but because I wanted to, but this time I needed to. “Darry says we may have to change the rooms around a little, but we'll worry about that later. And we've got some baby clothes here somewhere that we haven't donated yet. We should be okay for a bit.”

“I'm gonna try to work too. I'm sure Dal'll help me find some odd jobs here and there,” Johnny said.

“Legal odd jobs, I hope,” Shante said, making me chuckle a little. “I work at The Dingo. I can get you a job up there if you want. You could work with me and my friend.”

Shawna's Story (A Johnny Cade Fanfiction) //CURRENTLY EDITING//Where stories live. Discover now