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I woke up a bit later and Johnny and Pony were gone. I sat up a little and looked around.

“Johnny? Pony?” I called, getting up carefully to look for them. I couldn't find them, but I found a note written in some dust on the floor.

Went out to get supplies, will be back soon. — JC & PC it said.

“They should be back soon then,” I said to myself, before looking around the church. There were a few small rooms in the back of the church, almost like classrooms for children. I remember the church I used to go to had a small room for kid's bible study, and another small room for rowdy babies that needed a quiet space to sleep. I could hear some footsteps walking toward the open window, and hid in one of the back rooms, in case it was someone I didn't know.

“Shawna? You in here, hon?” Johnny called.

“Yeah, I'm back here. Found some rooms back here. I think they're supposed to be for kids to have bible study,” I said, heading back up to the front room. “There's a lot more space in here than I thought.”

“Yeah, seems like it,” Johnny agreed, setting a box down on one of the tables.

“What'd you guys get?” I asked, walking over to them.

“Some bologna and bread, found a book that Pony could read, some candles for when it gets dark, some soap, cigarettes, deck o' cards,” Johnny said, helping Pony unpack the box. “Got you some peanut butter, since you can't eat cold cuts.” He said, setting down the jar of peanut butter.

“Aww, thank you, hon,” I said.

“You gotta eat too, hon,” Johnny said.

“Yeah,” I said, before looking over at Pony, who was holding a glass bottle in his hands. “What ya got there, Pony?”

“Peroxide?” Pony said, sounding confused. Johnny looked over at Pony, who looked back at him. “You ain't thinkin'…"

“We gotta cut our hair Ponyboy, and you guys can bleach yours. They have our descriptions in the paper, we won't fit 'em,” Johnny said, taking out his switchblade and opening it.

“No no, you ain't touchin' my hair,” Pony protested, sitting down away from Johnny.

“Come on, Pony, it's just hair. It's not like it won't grow back,” Johnny said.

“Alright,” Pony agreed with a sigh.

“Who's goin' first?” Johnny asked.

“I'll go,” I volunteered. “Just don't cut it too short.” I sat down at one of the church pews and took my silver hair clip out. I pushed my hair back for him and sat still. I was a little nervous, I had never cut my hair before, but I trusted Johnny to not make it look too bad, but he just had a knife, so it wouldn't look perfect. Johnny gently picked up a small section of my hair and began sawing through it with his knife, his very dull knife. I crinkled my nose a little in pain, feeling tugging from the knife pushing against my hair. It really hurt, but it wasn't too bad, it was like tugging a knot in my hair, a really tight knot. I winced a little when he got to a tender spot and groaned a little.

“Do you need a break?” Johnny asked.

“No, I'll be alright,” I reassured. “Are you almost done?”

“Yeah,” Johnny said. “I just have one more spot to go, then ya gotta bleach it.”

“Okay,” I agreed, just wanting the tugging to stop. Once Johnny had finished cutting my hair, we bleached it.

“Whoa, sis,” Pony said, looking at me.

“What? Is it that bad?” I asked nervously. I walked over to a broken mirror that Johnny was holding and looked at my reflection. My once dark brown hair that draped down my shoulders was now blonde and barely reached the bottom of my ear. I stared at my reflection for a bit and began to laugh. “Oh wow,” I said through laughter. “It doesn't look too bad. Blonde is definitely not my color, though, great to know.” I said, putting my silver hair clip back in my hair. “There, that's better.”

Shawna's Story (A Johnny Cade Fanfiction) //CURRENTLY EDITING//Where stories live. Discover now