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Is this where I die? No, it can't be! My eyes trembled in fear, tears forming. Don't cry. Don't let them see you cry. My head rested against the cold wood of a building. What it was I had no idea. Maybe an old warehouse. It didn't matter. If I was going to die, I didn't want to die wondering what building was behind me.

They inched closer and closer. You would have thought I had time to escape, to run past them, but my left leg had its ligaments torn, and I was bleeding heavily from my right arm. It stung like hell, the piece of metal still protruding from it, and my leg was so agonising, i just wanted to cut it off. But my only weapon had broken, and the only way to defend myself was either kicking and screaming or tearing out the shard and using it as a knife.

Reaching my trembling hand to my shoulder, I gripped the metal. It was sharp, my hand's skin bending and reaching breaking point, snapping open for warm blood to spill out onto the dull material. Wincing, I pushed past the pain, and gripped harder, slowly pulling it out. It was both dull and sharp, my arm twitching due to hitting nerves, blood spilled out so fast I doubted I was going to live in time to even use the weapon. Luckily, I managed to pull it free. My arm felt like a thousand hornets were repetitively stinging me, while it was on fire, and was being doused in vinegar. My vision blurred, I was losing too much blood, my vision became hefty, my eyelids felt like lead, and my limbs because heavy.

No. I will not die here! I will survive! I forced my eyes open, and using all the strength I had left, I through the piece of scrap and the creature's head. However, at the last second my hand fell lower, and instead it buried itself in it's chest.

Shit. I looked down, knowing that it was all over for me. Such a short life.

Only 16 years. One boyfriend.

Ha, guess I really am going to die a virgin. Damn. Now it was only inches away from me, I could smell the vile stench of rotting flesh emitting itself from its body.

Bye world. It's been fun.

"AHHHHHHHHH" I heard a loud deep yell, angry.

Or maybe not?

A loud thud echoes across the landscape, followed by a juicy crunch. I felt warm liquid and scraps of bones and brains fall on me.

The now headless creature fell to the earth with a loud thump.

Gross. I thought. My limbs hd gone numb, and I felt my conscious slipping.

Daniel...Save me.

"Hold on Amelia!" His panicked voice rang in my ears. I heard the sound of fabric tearing, and then felt a large amount of pressure on my wound.

"Crap. I can't stop the bleeding." his voice was trembling now.

Suddenly, two strong arms wrapped around me and picked me up. I felt him running, and then heard the sound of a door being kicked open. "Come on, stay with me!" He yelled at me. Quickly ramming the door closed so no more of them could get in, he put me down, and yelled out.

"Is anybody here!? Can someone help me!? Please!" He whipped his head back and forth, searching for something, anything that could save me. I heard him run off somewhere, metal and plastic falling to the ground and he rummaged through the stuff in the warehouse.


Every second I grew weaker, every breath was shorter, every heartbeat fainter.


The sound of a gun firing ran through me. And then silence.

What? Daniel?! Daniel! I wanted to move, to scream, but I couldn't. Was he dead? I couldn't even open my eyes. No! No...

"What do you think you are doing" A female's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"T-that bullet came way too close!" Daniel's voice sounded. I instantly felt relief flow through my body like a river. At least one of us would live.

"One, this is not your property. I should kill you right here for trespassing. Two, that is not your personal toy box. It is a box full of my supplies, in which I should also kill you for theft, and thirdly, if you want to save your girlfriend, you won't find anything in that box. "

"Wait, you mean there is a box that I can use to save he-" Another bullet sounded. "Ow ow ow ow!" He whined in pain.

What's going on!?

"What the hell? My cheek!"

"You are lucky it's just a graze, next time it will be in the dick."

This shut him up.

"Move aside." I heard lighter, more precise footsteps walk towards me.

The girl bent down next to me and whispered, "This is going to sting like crazy, so feel free to pass out."

The flick of a lighter sent a kick of realisation down my spine.

"What are you doing!? Get that flame away from her!" Daniel yelled, running towards me.

"If you want her to live, then you will shut up and not interfere."

"Do- do as she says, Daniel," I croaked out, coughing on blood.

He paused, trembling, fighting back tears.

"Fine. Just please, make sure she lives."

"No promises," The girl replied bluntly. I felt the pressure leaving my arm, the bloody clothing being unwrapped.

The heat got closer and closer to my wound, until it finally made contact.

I had never felt so much pain.

Just breathe! It doesn't hurt! you will live! It's fine I'm fine...

A sudden jolt of undiscovered agony covered me.

AHHHH FUCK ME! I almost passed out from the sensation, so strong and bold, so powerful. It began to throb, the pain only getting worse.

NO! MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE! If I had enough strength left I would scream out, cry, flail my arms and legs around.

"Please! Stop! You're hurting her!" His voice boomed with urgency.

"It's either this or she dies! Take your pick, Dipshit!"

"But-but, why can't we just go back home?! Live a happy life! Pain-free! Why do we have to do this? fight for our lives? Why!?" I could hear him sobbing into his hands, falling to his knees. "I just want her to be happy."

Daniel, you have made me happier than I have ever been. Thank you.

Thank you...

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