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"So," I said, clutching my shoulder, "Why did you help us?" She looked at me, her stern eyes piercing my soul. "Not that I'm not grateful, I-I am." I quickly added in.

"Because," She started, "I need as many people with me as possible."

She's hiding something. Thats a lie. Or if it's the truth, there is something else...

Daniel had one of his strong arms wrapped around me.

"Why?" he said, confused. Storm, if that really was her name according to Daniel, smiled at his comment, turned swiftly, and walked towards a long wooden table most likely used for crafts or cutting wood. On it was a stained, torn map, with one knife stuck in the center.

"The reason," She said bitterly, "Is to take down the motherfucking Central." she punched the table with such force blood exploded from her knuckles. I jumped at the sudden noise, so loud and brutal.

"Why-why do you hate Central?" I laughed nervously. Storm looked up, tears forming in her eyes, water trickling down her cheeks in straight lines, falling into the puddle of blood on the wood.

What happened to you?

"I-I need to get some air." She rushed to one of the many shelves and grabbed her gun. Without saying anything, she opened the door, shot anything that opposed her so calmly and skillfully it scared the living shit out of me, and ran off.

"What was that about?" Daniel looked at me confused. Shaking, I looked at him, eyes trembling.

I grabbed his shirt, and without even thinking, began to cry.

It was so painful. Knowing I was trapped. She could never know. I can't help her. If I do I'd die. If I don't I'd die.

It was all over for me. Even with my wounds sealed up, and healing, there was no saving me from her.

"Hey, hey look, it's okay." Daniel stroked my hair, trying to calm me.

"No it's not." I muttered into his chest.

"Just tell me what's wrong, we can get through this together."

I stopped shaking, and looked into his dark brown eyes. They seemed to glow, held the spark of life I was missing.

"Y-you know Dominic Knight?"

His eyes widened at the name, filled with hatred.

"That bastard of a leader. Calling himself 'the saviour of humanity' when all that fucker does is kill those who doesn't agree with him. He suppresses the people who can see the truth, that while he sits on his throne drinking wine and eating delicious meals, the people he claims to have rescued are out there dying to make sure the zombies or rebels don't touch him or his family. I wish nothing but a slow and painful death for that peice of shit and his family," He finished, disgust clear in his voice.

"That's just what I think." I force a smile.

"Why?" The boy looked at me, worried.

"Ummm, do you think Storm is okay?" I say, trying to change the subject.

"Why? Tell me why! what is so important about that man! Do you love him? Is that it?!" Daniel grasped my shoulders, ignoring the wound, and shook me violently.

"Stop! You're hurting me!" I began to cry once again. He stopped, looked at me, sadness covering his face like a plague.

"I just- I just can't" Avoiding his gaze, my face turned away.

"Why not?!" He had started to cry too.

Please don't cry...

"Because it doesn't matter! Its doesn't change anything! All that matters is we take down central!" Standing up, I limped past him, being sure not to put pressure on my bandaged leg.

"Amelia." My friend stood up, looking at me. "It DOES matter. Don't you see. If it makes you cry, it matters. Please, just tell me what's wrong."

Ignoring him, I made my way to a large metal cabinet. It had a gold padlock on the handles, preventing anyone from opening it.

Wrapping my hand around in, It braced myself, and gave one sharp tug. The lock didn't budge.

But the door did. Fell right off its hinges, landing on the ground with a loud clattering noise.

"Hahaha, whoops" I laughed. Daniel just looked at me, eyes wide in awe, and something...else.

Turning to see what secrets it held, I was not disappointed.

reaching in, I grabbed a pair of dual blades, and tossed them at Daniel's feet.

"You prefer close range weapons, and you can't use that baseball bat forever, you will break your wrists" Reluctantly, he bent down and picked them up, tossing the hilts around in his palms, did a few test swings, and placed the two sheaths on his back, strings falling over his chest, creating an X. Moving his arms above his head, he maneuvered them into their cases with precision.

"Amelia, why-"

"Shut up for a second." I shushed him, searching through the many weapons. A taser, a few pistols, Shotguns, knives, There was even a fucking rocket launcher.

Where did she get all this stuff? I thought to myself. My eyes scanned through the various weapons, resting on one. Haha, Jackpot! Picking it up, I swung it in Daniels direction, finger pressed on the trigger.

As I shot, the recoil was strong. But I was stronger.

"Amelia-" He said, frozen stiff in fear. behind him on the wall were 10 bullet holes matching his silhouette.

"Not bad" I smiled, proud of my work. I slung the assault rifle over my good shoulder, striking a pose.

"Daniel" I responded.

"There- there is another cupboard" I looked at him, and grinned.

"Would you be a gentleman and open it for me please?" reluctantly, he tore the doors off their hinges. Inside it was...clothing? Why was this locked up? I looked at the contents, confused.

"Hmmmm, I'll take this, this, this, this and, ohhhh, this!" I grabbed some of the things and placed them on the floor. Daniel looked at me confused while I took off my torn jacket.

"Don't look," I grunted at him.

"What? Why no-OH GOD OH GOD OKAY I'M NOT LOOKING" he yelled, panicked as I started undressing.

I rolled my eyes at his red face. Ha, most guys would kill to be in your position. I thought to myself as I pulled my bloody shirt over my head, trying my best to not move my shoulder.

Once that was off, I picked up a white blouse. It was a little tight, but if it were too baggy, it could get caught on things. next was my trousers. Sitting down slowly, I slipped them off. I stared down at my wounded leg. It hurt like hell, even more that my shoulder, which surprised me. Grabbing two pieces of clothing, my hands unfolded a pair of black leggings. I put them on, however, to my annoyance, my foot got caught. I pulled harder, however, my hand slipped from the fabric, punching myself in the face.

"Fuck!" I yelled out, clutching my eye.

"What happened, are you okay?!" Daniel quickly turned around in distress.

"No don't look!" I yelled. Too late. His face was as red as a tomato.

"Uh-ummmm" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Stripes look good on you."

Did he- did he just compliment my underwear?! My face was almost as red as his at that point. I quickly moved my hand from my eye and covered myself up.

"Stop staring!" I tried to sound frightening, but instead it came out more like a high pitched whine.

"But what happened?" He tried to look me in the eye, but kept getting distracted. I shot him a look. that snapped him out of it.

"I- I was trying to pull up these leggings and punched myself in the face." I whispered the last part out of embarrassment. I could see he was trying not to laugh. It was imprinted all over his face.

"Do you need help?" he was practically pissing himself trying not to laugh.

"U-ummmm, sure?" This time, I swear my face was as hot as the sun.

What an eventful day. I thought to myself quietly.

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