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I followed the girl with black hair for a few minutes, before the trees cleared and we arrived at some sort of warehouse. Zombies decaying corpses scattered the ground like trash.

"Okay, we are-" She flung open the door, to be greeted by a girl that looked to be about 16, and a boy a few years older. The boy was trying to pull her pants up or down, I wasn't really sure, and the girl was just there sitting awkwardly, blushing. "Here?" They both screamed, the boy jumping in front of the blonde girl, blocking my view.

"Sorry, sorry. We had some problems with the leggings. She needed help and- sorry Storm, we kind of stole your clothes" He looked really embarrassed. The girl named Storm sighed, and pinched the top of her nose.

"It's fine. I was expecting you to break into my stuff."

"Well, this is, uh," I whispered.

He reminds me of Sam. Not look-wise, they look very different. Sam had short blonde hair and blue eyes, this boy looks older, dark brown hair, brown eyes, stubble. I had to admit he was quite the looker, but none the less, the way he didn't want anyone to see that girl in her embarrassing state hit too close to home.


I couldn't think of him. It hurt too much. Far too much.

but I could cope. I could live.

I hope.

"Who's that?" He looked at me, confused.

"I dont know, just some chick I found caught in a trap." The mean girl shrugged.

"Who are you?" This time the boy turned to face me.

"I'm-uhhhhhhh." I don't like talking about myself. Why do they want to know my name? Do they want to hurt me? to kill me? Why did she save me? Why?

All these questions spun around in my head like a whirlwind. Tossing and turning, driving me crazy, thoughts hazy.

"Well, spit it out," The girl snapped.

"My name is Ke'ara. T-There's an apostrophe." My high-pitched squeak of a reply caused Daniel to laugh. As I looked at him in confusion, he explained.

"It's just that you're so nervous. It's kinda cute."

Cute? Did he just call me cute? What about that other chick? I had noticed my face had heated up. Do I already like this boy?

No way. I have only known him for less than a minute! There is no way-

My thoughts were cut off by rustling in the bushes near us.

"Okay, chit chat is over, let's get inside."

"Night is when they are strongest," I whispered to myself as I took in the last rays of light as the doors shut with a loud creak, a metal beam sliding into place, bracing the wood for any hard impact.

"Who-who are you?" I sat down in a corner, hugging my knees close to my chest.

The black haired girl sat down in front of me, expression softening.

"I'm Storm. I'm 18 years old and come from a 'wealthy' family. I loved them very much." She smiled brightly, hiding something. Loved. Past tense.

Next, the blonde haired girl sat beside Storm. She had finally gotten changed, wearing black leggings, white bike shorts over them, a white blouse, black jacket, black ankle boots, and some kind of a plastic mask that covered her mouth, and fit snuggly in the lower part of her face. She had emerald green eyes, long hair placed in two pigtails, and short wild bangs. Something was missing in her eyes. I couldn't quite place it, but it was in both the boy's and Storm's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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