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"Hey, Ke'ara! Help me out here!" I snapped my head back, looking through the trees. dangling upside down, rode tied to his foot, was Sam. I looked at him, confused. "I was looking for you, and then stepped in your trap." He looked away, embarrassed. I stifled a laugh. His long, black hair fell, covering his face.

"Okay fine, I'll help you" I sighed. Walking towards him, I was about to untie him, however felt myself being lifted up suddenly, a rope gripping my ankles.

"Good job Ka'ra! You just got yourself trapped! Now what are we going to do!" I started to laugh at our situation.

My grey hair was tied back in a ponytail, so I could see him clearly.

Sam was my best friend. Had been for years. He had helped me through the bad times, so pretty much my entire life. My anxiety hadn't helped, but he made sure to protect me, both before and after the virus broke out. I don't know what I would do without him.

Sam also started laughing, our voices loud and full of energy. Not long after, we were full on losing it, tears falling from our eyes in laughter. Even though I was trapped upside down, I never wanted this moment to end.

However, in the mere second it took for me to blink, everything changed.

I looked into his eyes, full of fear and his filled with terror or despair, blood dripping from his neck, the creature digging its teeth in further. The sound of bones crunching and skin tearing replaced our laughs.

No... My mind wouldn't process it. It couldn't. All I could do was see the life drain from his eyes, replaced by bloodlust.

He was gone.

No.. It can't be! I felt tears fall upwards, hitting the ground. I had to get out of here. I couldn't even look at him. If I had just been more careful, then I wouldn't be stuck here, and he wouldn't have died.

Slowly, the zombie turned to face me. It's hair was all but gone, flesh falling of its rotting bones. It began to walk, stumbling and grumbling.

I twisted and turned, trying to escape. I arched my back and tried to reach the rope that held me in place.

No! No please! I can't die here! But no matter how much I struggled, it was no use.

The creature was only mere centimeters away from me, hand reaching out, trying to grab me. I tried to swing to avoid it, however, when I had finally dodged it, I was just sent back due to gravity.

I felt its cold, wrinkly hand grasp my neck, feeling its breath against my skin.

This is it. This is where I die. I close my eyes, awaiting the sensation of burning and my flesh being torn apart.


What? My eyes shut open and my neck was released.

I could no longer hear the zombie's moaning and its breath tickling my nape.

Instead, its body fell to the floor with a loud thump, blood trickled from its forehead, a bullet hole obvious.

Turning my head, I saw a figure. Female. She had piercing blue eyes just like me, long black hair and resting on her nose was a pair of slim glasses. She wore a sort of lab coat, or long white jacket, and a torn black dress which looked rather expensive. She must be from a wealthy family, I thought. And in her hand, some sought of gun. It looked menacing, although I never was one to take interest in such things. I would much rather stick my head in a book or talk with a friend, or just write or draw something. Sam liked guns though.

If only she had been there sooner.

He could still be alive.

Still crying , I twisted my body to face what was supposed to me. his face was distorted, hair falling in clumps on the ground, skin rotting and eyes decomposing.


In my heart, I already knew he was gone, but I refused to listen to it. I would not accept it. Why must this world be so cruel, so unforgiving?

Have I not suffered enough?

As much as I didn't want to look at him, wanted to remember him as the boy he was, not is, I could not take my eyes away.

He was really gone.

But then, in the time it takes to blink, his eye exploded, contents spilling out onto the floor, followed by blood, and one final breath.

A bite took away my friend.

A bullet took away nothing.

He was not Sam, but a soulless creature in his body.

"Hey you! You might want to get down from there!" She said bluntly. this caused something inside me to snap.

"If I could get down do you think I would have let my my best friend fucking die!"

Tears once again began to fall.

"Oh stop crying over a dead person. You disgust me" She pointed the gun in my direction, finger placed on the trigger.

Fine then. Shoot me. I don't care anymore

The sound of a gun firing echoed across the landscape, but to my surprise, instead of feeling the bullet pass through me, I felt the rope holding me up loosen, and the cold, leafy dirt beneath my face.

Jesus, that girl can aim. Why doesn't she just work for Central, or some other powerful group? Or is she already with them? Is she here to kill those who don't join them?

"Owwwww," I said, standing up, rubbing my head, never taking my eyes off the barrel of the gun.

"Come with me." Her voice was stern, sharp, unforgiving.

What happened to you?

"But- "


I looked back at the remains of the monster that was once my friend.

Goodbye Sam.

Shaking, I followed her as she turned and walked away.


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