Out With The Old In With The New

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Two minutes before the bell rings, I finish the lesson, watching the students write their notes. When all is done, and most of the pencils have been placed on the desks I ask if anyone had any questions. A small pale hand shoots up out of the crowd of students.

"Mr. Wood is it true, the rumor I mean..." A small voice asked, giving me no time to call on her. Such a kind child never spoke once in my class and now she was coming out of her shell all because she was worried. It was depressing how I let the situation get over my head, how I let my lust take control of me just for the day.

"No need to worry for me. If I leave, it is my fault and mine only." The room goes silent as everyone looks down at their desks, the girl, Kim, showed a pained face.

I'm not the type to brag, but most of my students love me, though I can't fathom why. I always assign homework, more than is classified as necessary. And, I never let the students get away with anything, there is no such thing as extra credit in my class or a makeup test. Really, their infatuation with me is questionable.

The bell lets out its excruciating wail of terror, cutting through the silence with glee. I stand, waiting for all the students to walk out, most of them wishing me luck and granting me one last hug goodbye. Kim was the last one to exit, tears pricking her hazel eyes.

"You should have told them it was my fault." Her sweet voice cracked and there was a hint of hesitation as she debated what to say next. "Now it's my fault you have to leave, and don't tell me it isn't! I shouldn't have forced you, should have listened to your advice." I smiled sweetly at my lover and closed the classroom door so those in the hall wouldn't see us.

"You expect me to give away my most precious student? I'll just go get another job somewhere else, it doesn't really matter at this point. Why take down the both of us in this messy conflict?" I wipe her sweet tears off of her porcelain skin and kiss her forehead before bidding her farewell.

My fate has been decided since the point I indulged in my lustful side with one of my students.

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