Rumour Has It...

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"Alright class, I am your new teacher, Mr. Woods. Don't get used to procrastinating in my class, I will count it as a zero even if you turn it in a day after the due date. I also refuse to give out extra credit. Any questions?" I announced to my new students, showing them the best smile I can muster, in my depressed state.

A blonde with sharp pink nails raises her hand, "Is it true that you came here because you raped one of your students?" The blonde smirked as everyone around her gasped in surprise, definitely going to hate her. My headache was coming back and I gently massaged my forehead with care.

"Is that what you would like to believe?" I ask the class, my mouth twitching, "Spread the rumour if you want. That's what you high schoolers do right? You go around accusing anyone and everyone of wrongdoing, not caring if it is true. What's your name?" She will learn the way all my other students have learned.

"Helen." She stated with a high voice. The students looked between the two of us waiting for a winner in the passive dual.

"Well Helen, it was nice to meet you, but I will tell you one thing I don't like in my class and that's gossip. If you wish to know about any rumour dealing with me I would gladly tell you my whole life story after class." I smile as sweetly as I can before turning to my whiteboard and writing the first problem on the board.

The bell rang and it wasn't long before I had a crowd surrounding my desk, waiting for me to spill the beans. Their prying eyes were almost comical and I let out a bemused chuckle.

" it true?" Helen asks, almost jumping up and down from the excitement of having another juicy topic to spread around the school. Can somebody give me permission to smack a bitch? "Did you rape your student at your old school?"

"Yes." It was priceless the gasps and disgusted looks I got from that one worded answer, "What's with the looks? Wasn't that the answer you desired?" Smirking, I gave the highschoolers a michievious look. The crowd changed their tune and started cursing me under their breath and heading for the door deciding they would get nothing more out of me.

"No, I did not rape the girl." I hollered after the retreating students causing them to turn back. But, I wouldn't give them any more information than that and they granted my wish by leaving me to take care of my next class.

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