Welcome to Detention

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-warning slight lemon alert.-

So that was an...eventful...day. I yawn loudly while walking down the hall, ready to go home when a male teacher, I think his name was Andrew or something, stops me, his eyes frantic.

"Y...you're the...new teacher?" He gasped out, gripping my shoulders a little too tightly. Scared and slightly peeved, I pry his hands off of me with a nod. "Please, my wife is in the hospital...please watch over the kids in my room..."

The teacher doesn't even wait for me to answer, he runs away and I am left to walk to his class feeling sorry for myself as I wave my sleep goodbye.

"Good afternoon..." I groaned in annoyance, detention is so not fun. Looking around the room, I spot a few new faces untile my eyes connect with a familar set of dark ones... Alex. My day just keeps getting worse and worse. Alex flashes me a seductive smile, my face shading over with pink as I remember the feeling of his hand on my ass.

Bad Aiden! No hitting on students! Especially not Alex, the principle would kill you.

"I will be watching over you guys since the other teacher is busy." I clear my throat and put on my professional mask. "So I expect you guys to quiet down and only talk when necessary."

Alex smirks at my words and opens his mouth to make a smart ass remark, but another student beats him to it. "And what do you consider as necessary?" A dark haired individual asks with a seductive smirk plastered on his face. A shiver runs down my spine, and to be honest I don't know if it is because of this cold ass classroom or the sexiness that guy is just radiating...

I clear my throat, "I believe you already know what I mean." The smirk never falls off his face, but he does silently get to work, allowing me to continue to my desk. Today is such a horrid day, I really should be at home instead of babysitting some high schoolers.

I start to grade my classes homework when the same boy comes up to my desk, "My names Eric by the way, and yours?" He places his elbows on my desk and rests his chin on the back of his hands, leaning in a little too close.

"You can call me Mr. Wood" I whisper quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with him. God, when did I become such an unprofessional teacher?! The boy pouts and watches me grade papers for a while before he gets bored. He moves away and at first, I think he is going to leave, but he instead grabs my chin and lifts my face up.

"Whats more important, me or those papers?" Eric states, leaning in slightly. God, where all of the students in this school in heat or something? First, the new student grabs my ass and now this student is about to kiss someone he barely knows.

Before Eric could get any closer, Alex, who had been observing quietly, grabbed the boy and threw him backward. My mind goes blank as I watch Alex pounces on the boy, delivering punch after punch.

"Who the hell said you could touch what is mine!"

I quickly step in, trying to yank Alex off of the kid, not very successfully.

"Stop! He didn't do anything wrong!" Everything quickly quieted down as Alex changes his target from Eric to me, his eyes narrowed in a deadly glare.

"So you're saying it is alright for someone to just up and kiss you?!" His eyes had changed from their normal black to a dark red, I back away from him, my eyes concentrated on his face, little protests coming from my mouth as I try to find the right words. Alex leaves the seemingly unconscious student before grabbing onto my shirt.

My strength doesn't seem to be enough to escape his grasps, and he pulls me closer to him, leaving no wiggle room. His lips roughly crash against mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth. My eyes widen from the sudden action before slowly closing them. He takes his time mapping out my mouth, his tongue sliding over every inch. I respond affectionately, joining with him as we lazily fight for dominance. He lets out a loud groan, wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me closer so that there was no space between us.

Sadly everything has to end and we slowly pull away with an obscene pop. My face is covered in a dark hue as I use my sleeve to wipe my mouth, my breath coming out roughly. His eyes were now back to their dark color but were clouded with lust.

"Only do this with me," Alex demands harshly. I could only nod in response before looking away from him, my mind fluttering. When I looked back at his face, he had a pained expression, before quickly running out of the classroom leaving me alone with an unconscious Eric.

I fall to my knees, my hands covering my violated mouth. Even though I should be upset, instead I only feel happy (and slightly turned on), with the events that had just transpired. When did I fall this hard?

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