And The Nightmare Begins

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A busy day of school finally ended without too much conflict, other than those two girls I mean. Really, do I have to put up with them all school year? Can't I just...I don't know, refuse entry? With a quiet sigh, I drive home, deciding that a visit to the nearby park was well needed.

The drive home was quiet as was the house when I first entered. I quickly set my stuff down before getting dressed in more comfortable clothing and heading out for the park.

-slight skip in time-

The sun has gone, and the moon had set high in the sky, it's magnificent light glowering down on my form. The wind picking up speed, then slowing down to a soft hum, like a tragedy reaching a climax before fading to a conclusion.

The swing I sat on swiveled slightly to the right with each aggressive push from the wind. My mind was lost, as far away as the moon was. Problems that seemed never ending with answers that were similar to the moon. Seemingly so close, yet it was far from in my grasp.

"No use in moping about the past since it just keeps getting further away. Unlike the present which won't stop shoving itself in my way, making obstacles I wish I could avoid." I let out an irritated sigh before shoving my hands in the pockets of my jeans, trudging through the grass towards the sidewalk.

"And where would you be headed?" A shiver runs through my spine, but I don't stop walking, pretending I didn't hear it. But, my mind was racing a hundred miles per hour.

That wasn't a human voice... I think to myself, paranoia taking over.

No shit Sherlock! The voice in my head replies. If you want to live, I suggest walking faster.

Never one to ignore my own conscious, I pick up my pace until I'm soon sprinting to my house. A sudden realization comes to mind...if I go to my house, it'll know where I live and what will stop it from coming back?

So I take a sharp turn, finding myself in an alley.

That was my first mistake

Every Drop Of BloodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ