Part 7

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Instead of spending months in a studio, Stevie decided she wanted to make her new album at her beautiful mansion, which she had owned now for years. She was going to move there with Michael and the girls, but after the property was officially theirs, he decided he didn't like it anymore. Stevie thought it was completely out of his character, but she, on the other hand, adored the place and chose to keep it. 

"It's not working." Dave Stewart stopped yet another take of a song they had been working on for hours now. Sighing, Stevie took off the headphones and slid off the chair she had been sitting on, reaching for a bottle of water she had left behind. "Is everything okay with you?"

"No." She answered honestly. "Although, I'm not sure what's wrong with me either."

"Would you like to take a break, maybe talk about it?" Dave suggested, but Stevie just shrugged her shoulders. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

"I do, Dave, yes. But it's going to be one big waste of time, because I don't even know what to say. I'm just... It's a little bit of everything." She waved it off and turned to her assistant. "When is Lindsey getting here?"

Checking her watch, Karen looked back up at Stevie. "He said around seven."

In all honesty, Lindsey most likely was why Stevie couldn't concentrate. It had been a couple of days since they slept together and they hadn't talked once, Karen was the one to call him for Stevie, to make sure if he was still on board to record that song. She didn't regret it, but it only messed up her mind more. Here she was warming to the thought of getting back together with Michael, but as soon as Lindsey mentioned problems in his marriage and then kissed her, she was back at square one.

"I think we shouldn't do anything until then." Dave said. "Hopefully, you'll get yourself together by then and we can record one song at least."

Stevie didn't particularly like how he was speaking to her, but she didn't say anything back. After all, he was giving all his time to her, trying to make an album and they had barely made any progress. He ought to be somewhat tired and irritated.

The doorbell rang way before seven, Stevie feeling as if she wasn't prepared to see Lindsey just yet. Although, she couldn't hide from him now, could she. While Karen went to let him in, Lori, who was sitting beside Stevie, frowned, leaning in closer. 

"What's up?"


"You can't fool me, Stevie. Something happened between you two."

There was no use in lying, but she wasn't about to go in all the detail, simply giving a small nod. Stevie then stood up, seeing Lindsey walking into the room, greeting everybody. They soon found themselves being in front of each other and for a moment, they weren't really sure of how to do this, but not wanting to seem weird, Lindsey stepped closer and gave Stevie a hug, holding on a second too long.

"I'm really glad you're here."

"I'm happy to be here. If you let me, I could be a lot more help than figuring out one song. Need a producer?"

"Hey!" They heard Dave from behind, making them laugh, although, Lindsey didn't say that without a reason. He hadn't too many run-ins with Dave, but he knew enough about the man and Stevie to make him keep a close eye on the two.

After Stevie told everyone they were free for the night, since this only required her and Lindsey, they settled down, Stevie giving him the lyric sheet, so he would get a feeling of what she was going for. Rereading it a couple of times, Lindsey nodded, probably more to himself than Stevie, as he put the words away and picked up his guitar.

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