san Francisco battle

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(First off if you guys are new too xreaders and I doubt it but if you don't know then y/n l/n is your name, h/c is your hair color, and e/c is eye color ok good luck with the king!)
(Y/n pov) I ran in horror as pieces of the building above started to fall near and I started to cry but I was cut off by hearing a low growl behind me and when I turned I saw the creature known as M.U.T.O the female one look at me from afar and it looked like it had an evil smile it took a step closer till it was near my face, it was about to eat me and as I was waiting for the inevitable it never came but I felt like I was going to pass out but before I did I saw another large creature and its back was glowing a dark blue then all I saw was black and all I heard was a mighty roar and I was out.
$$$time skip brought to you by femuto$$$
I started to wake up but felt something different under me and it felt like scales I looked up to see the same creature that savedd me from the M.U.T.O but it looked very tired and I too started to fall back into a deep sleep but I heard a very deep voice say " don't worry were  almost there ".

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