you like me?!

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(A/N that's you at the top)
Godzillas POV
OH GOD I MESSED UP I JUST TOLD HER I LIKED HER SHE PROBABLY THINKS I'M WEIRD NOW OH GOD, "o-oh...I uh...d-didn't mean t-to say that..... I'll j-just leave, i-i'm sorry." And then I ran away but I could faintly hear y/n calling after me.
3 months later y/n's POV
I still can't believe Godzilla likes me, a human and he hasn't been seen at all maybe I should talk to someone, "hey y/n are you Ok you seem down" rodan broke me out of thoughts with his always sweet smile, in between the months I've started to treat rodan as my dad and he's accepted it with open "arms" and varan adores me and treats me like her own daughter, I told them about how my parents we're abusive fucks (pardon if your parents are like that or if they are awesome) and rodan may or may not made them homeless, "yeah I'm Ok dad just confused about something" "well you know you can tell me anything y/n I will always be here for you" I looked at him and opened my arms so he can comfort me and he walked over to me and wrapped his massive wings around me and let me hug his beak "now tell me what's wrong sweetie" "Ok so 3 months ago Godzilla told me he liked me but after he did he froze up and ran away before i could speak" I looked at him and his face was that of surprise "so that's why he hasn't been here in a while, hmm just talk to him I've known Godzilla for a long long time and he's not known to run away from things of this caliber, hell he was the one who helped me and varan love in the first place." Wow I guess there are some things I still don't know about Godzilla yet, but I guess dads right I need to go and find him "Ok Ill go find him thanks dad love you" I gave him a hug even though I can't really hug him because of his size I still got the message across "I love you too sweety, now go get him".
POV change 3rd person
Y/n was still looking for Godzilla but she wasn't alone, she had asked if godzookie(a/n: if you catch my reference your awesome)

could help me look for him but they still had no luck in their search," uh y/n we have been searching for hours now and we have seen no sign of him so far, maybe we should head back rodan will kill me if he found out that we got lost" I dont want ...

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could help me look for him but they still had no luck in their search," uh y/n we have been searching for hours now and we have seen no sign of him so far, maybe we should head back rodan will kill me if he found out that we got lost" I dont want to head back yet cause i still believe that we can find him but I also don't want to get godzookie in trouble, then I thought I heard some quiet crying beside a nearby cliff so I told godzookie to follow me to check it out.
Godzilla's POV:
Damn it I screwed up big time I can't believe that I told y/n I like her, she probably thinks I'm weird now and I just ruined our friendship and now I'm crying like a damn child who didn't get a lollypop, then I thought I heard footsteps coming towards me and I thought it was my brother zilla again(haha didn't think I'd add him in here did ya) "now what the hell do you want zilla" then I saw her it was y/n and she must have seen me crying cause now she has tears in her eyes.
Third person POV:
Y/n looked at Godzilla in shock, he was crying and she was the reason why and slowly she started to cry herself she never wanted to make her friend sad, and before Godzilla could say something y/n ran over to his nose and hugged him " im sorry I'm so so sorry goji I didn't mean to make you cry" then Godzilla used his claw to gently wipe y/n's tears away "hey now its not your fault y/n, but I probably should have told you this a long time ago" "and what's that?" Before Godzilla could say it the just noticed godzookie and grew embarrassed "do you mind" "no not at all" then Godzilla blew a tiny fireball at godzookie and he ran off " now as I saying, y/n I love you" y/n was surprised that Godzilla her friend and crush liked her " um I can understand if you don't feel the same way but.." Before Godzilla could finish y/n did something that Godzilla will remember till he dies, y/n kissed Godzilla's nose sense your way to small you decided to just kiss his nose after the "kiss" Godzilla's spikes glowed a bright pink which caused y/n to giggle a bit. "So does this mean we are dating now" y/n pecked Godzilla's nose and said "of course you big goofball" and with that they started to walk back to the center of the island were they live unaware that an old enemy was watching with jealously and list in his eyes.
( good god finally the next part is up, you are officially dating Godzilla cool huh, but anyways I'm terribly sorry that i haven't been updating in forever I got caught up in a lot of stuff and let's just say I'm surprised on how many views I've gotten for this story so I thank everyone for that and on that note who do you think is the guy spying on you and did you guys see who I introduced to the story, zilla and godzookie from the old animated series. Alright that about sums it up see you guys in the next chapter see ya!)

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