Rodan vs Titanosaurus (part 2) save Y/N!!!

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I couldn't believe what i was seeing, all that stood before me was a large orange kaiju which seemed to resemble an unholy combination between a fish and a Tyrannosaurus Rex, it was facing away from me and it seemed to be sleeping so i took my chance to see if I can find Godzilla and find a way out of this cave and escape, but my hope were squandered when suddenly the kaiju woke up from its nap and looked strait at me and it spoke, "ah your finally awake human" it smiled at me and looked me up and down " my name is titanosaurus or you can call me your new king" now i was confused because I thought I heard of this guy before so I decided to speak up "what do you want with me then fish breath" nice going Y/N make the monster mad at you that will make things much better! "well if you must know im sick and tired of living in Godzilla's shadow so I decided to make a decision, and that's to become the new king of the monsters" i tried to hold back a laugh, really this guy says he can beat my Goji well he's going to be very disappointed when his plan backfires on him " whats so funny Y/N, i already have Godzilla incapacitated in the woods so when he comes looking for you ill be ready" wait how does he know my name, oh he was probably eavesdropping on us while we were walking back to the others "Still even if you get to fight Godzilla he can easily beat you" i said with a stern look on my face { now note your in a cave on the far side of the island and Godzilla is still knocked the fuck out and Rodan his flying top speed to your scent and is closing in fast oh and im going to show up soon too thought id let you guys know, now back with the story!!} "well my dear Y/N I've gotten stronger since the last time me and Godzilla faced each other and even if i lose I still have you as Plan B" oh great now im going to used as bait am I, wait im way smaller than him cant i just run and hide somewhere where he cant find me{ POV switch, No ones POV}         Y/N did just that , with a grunt you ran off and got the fuck out of dodge quick and made her way out of the cave but titanosaurus was right behind her but instead of seeing y/n, he was meet with a really pissed off daddy rodan and he was in his Fire Rodan form, "so your the bastard who kidnapped my daughter huh?!" titanosaurus started to laugh at him " your daughter, you really foolish aren't you, how can a kaiju have a human as kin its stupid you cant protect her for long Rodan you know that right!" Rodan was getting furious to the point where he flew at titanosaurus and started to bring him up to the sky and dropped him on top of his cave and proceeded to blast his fire beam straight into the face of titanosaurus, with a painful grunt titanosaurus pulled himself up to continue the fight while y/n was hiding behind a tree but unaware to them Godzilla was making his way to their location and was pissed off.                                         Godzilla POV:  i was absolutely pissed {hey stop copying me!!!!} i was on my to find my love and kill titanosaurus , but i saw Rodan fly with titanosaurus in his claws and drop him down so i knew Rodan was giving titanosaurus the wetwork so that means if i want to tear into titanosaurus too i have to move fast, so now im running top speed and i release a big roar to announce that i was on my way and i think rodan heard cause i heard him shout angrily "STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS!!!!!!!" so i immediately stopped and made a b-line for home, im not going to argue with my girlfriends father and my friend.                                                                                                 Rodans POV : i know godzilla wants some revenge on this bastard but he took my daughter i was not going to just sit on the sidelines any longer  so im giving him everything i got and im currently winning by a huge margin and its kinda getting pathetic and im actually considering letting godzilla just finish him off but then i noticed that y/n began to walk up to him with a blank expression on her face " Y/n what are you doing stay away from him" then y/n turned to me and gave me a wink and said "don't worry dad i got this, if i can domesticate you guys i can definitely domesticate him."
3rd person pov:

walks up to the recovering titanosaurus, he belows at her to try and scare her but what she does suprises rodan and the arriving Godzilla, she smacks titanosaurus right on his nose and yells "knock it off already, jesus Christ your annoying " and he does just that with some fear in his eyes he slowy sits up, y/n a human being just slaped a kaiju with no fear what so ever and is currently giving titanosaurus that look your mom gives you when you fuck up, "now are you going to calm down and talk or are you going to continue this stupidity and be killed by my dad and my new boyfriend" thats when rodan looks at godzilla and says to him "hey its about time you grew a pair and confessed hahaha" "screw you rodan" godzilla retorted, then titanosaurus speaks up "never in my years have i ever seen a human smack a kaiju like myself, and i must say you've won my respect human so I'll leave for now but when my strength returns i will be back" and with that he left back to his cave.
Y/n's pov:
Pheww god that was terrifying but it worked, i looked over to see my dad and goji smiling at me and i see godzilla start to show a shade of pink on his face, i have a feeling that my life is only beginning.

God damn finally i got this out!!!!
You guys have no idea how freaking long it took me to actually do this
As an apology expect the next two parts to be coming very soon and hint one of them will be very fluffy lol😉😉

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