new house/new feelings

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2 hours later/ y/n POV
After that problem Godzilla convinced everyone to help build a house for me, I thought because of there huge size it would be hard for them to build it but they built it pretty quick even thought there were some difficulties they got through those difficulties pretty quick like a family, I'm currently unpacking some things that Godzilla went and got for I can't stop thinking of what Gamara said earlier and I can't believe I said Godzilla was cute, I mean I guess I can't hide it he is really nice to me he is cute and he's freaking Godzilla for gods sake, "hey y/n can you come out here for a second" speak of the devil " hey Godzilla what's up besides you of course hahaha" "oh haha really funny, I was actually wondering if you would for me to give you a tour of the island?"
POV change Godzilla
I asked y/n if she would like if I took her on a tour of the island and while waiting for an answer I instantly got lost in her beautiful e/c eyes, I still can't believe I'm falling for a human dammit Gamara, and earlier when she said I was cute I just had to blush in front of every body, "sure I would love that goji" goji dammit she is really making this hard for me "alright then lets go"
Time skip brought to you by chibi godzilla
After the tour I thought I saw something fly by in the corner of my eye but I just shrugged it of then y/n said something really unexpected "hey godzilla what do you see in a woman or in your case a mate" by now I know I was blushing cause I can feel my spikes glowing a bit but couldn't just leave her wondering so I have to say something "w,well I guess she would have to be smart, cute, loyal and she wouldn't be afraid to speak her mind about things that she is against so to sum it up I guess someone like you.
Ohhh cliffhanger

Radioactive love! Godzilla X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora