Chapter 37-Coming Home. Again.

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Chapter 37-Coming Home. Again. 


Jasmine's POV

"Back so soon?" I turn around. "Unfortunately" I say turning around and looking out over the clouds again. "It's beautiful isn't it?" He asks walking up to me and looking out. "Yeah. I wish I could just stay here forever" I say. "You know that can't happen" he said. "Can't blame a girl for tryin" I say shrugging. "I have a surprise for you. Come with me" he says turning around. "Actually too. The first one is this." He stops and just like the last time I was her, everything I front of me turned black and then a screen popped up. There was thirty some people standing in a hallway all together. They weren't happy they were sad and nervous. "Who are these people?" I ask "You know who they are look closer" he said I got closer.. I recognized them but I didn't know from where. "I can't remember why can't I remember?" I asked. "You have amnesia and I'm hoping I can cure you of that before you go back down. You know who those people are, they are your friends and family. The people you love" he said he wasn't in one particular place I couldn't see him he wasn't standing in front of me or beside me nor behind, but all of the above. He was everywhere. God works in funny ways. He can be at anyplace at anytime. "My dear look closely you will see" a woman's voice rung out. "Who is that?" I ask. "Baby girl.. It's mommy" she said. She was everywhere to . . . Until she wasn't. She was right in front of me. "mom......" I whispered. "Mom?" I asked "mom!" I stated. I ran at her. She held me. "Mom.. I missed you" I said. The last time I have seen her I was 7 and I'm 14 now. 7 years.. I just.. I can't believe I'm seeing her right now. "I missed you too baby but I've been watching over you.." She said. "I saw was happened between you and your brother 8 months ago.." She said sternly. "I know I'm sorry.." I apologized. "I know darling I know" she said hugging me agains. "I've missed you hugs" she says "he put him away from us mom did did it for all of us. To protect us" I said. Hoping she would be proud of him. All Tanner ever wanted was for mom to be proud of him. She never made it clear but she did. She was always amazed by the things he could do.. And so was I. She loved both of us. She didn't show us all the time because of our father and that's part of the reason she never showed Tanner that we loved him and she was proud because she was scared our father would do something to us. "I know I have seen. And I am very proud. I knew he would, with or without me alive" she smiled. I smiled at her. "You know he's always looked for your approval and wished for you to be proud of him" I said she scrunched up her face. "Really? Wow.. I'm a terrible mother. I was to busy worrying about myself to see my kids needed me. I have always adored him. If I could go back I would tell him I am the proudest mother in the world" she said. "Tell him that will you" she asked. I looked over at the screen again seeing everyone's worried faces. All the prices fit together now. And it was all thanks to mom it was my family❤️ the people who cared about me and the people I would travel the world for. My eyes landed on my big bro. I miss him I need to see him. My eyes travel to a rather scares boy. Sitting up against the wall. The boy. The most beautiful boy I had ever laid eyes on.. Other than Corey Haim. But not the point. He was crying. I hated seeing him cry. I'd seen him cry once. And if planed to never see him cry again over me especially but here I go again making guys cry. There were seriously like 4 girls here and they were the only once not crying. They were comforting there boyfriends or anyone that needed them. "You gotta go back to them Hun they need you can't you see?" My mom asked. "I know but I'm scared. "Baby girl whenever you get scared or sad or lonely look up to the sky and picture me liking down waving at you and smiling saying 'you'll get through this and I love you' because I will be" she kissed my forehead. "Baby girl sometimes we have to do the things we don't want to, or were scared to do. But we do them anyways. You remember what I always used to say.. "You only regret the chances you don't take" we said the last part together. She kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes relaxing in her hold. "Now go child. I will see you again" she said and everything disappeared.
I felt like I was sleeping. Like you know that state where you are sleeping but your away. Like right before you actuall wake up. Yeah that's where I was. And then all of a sudden the brightest light I'd ever seen shown through. I think I'm blind. Soon my eyes adjusted.. Turns out it was just the light on the ceiling. I blink still not fully used to it yet. "mom" i whisper. There was shuffling and the there was a slight dip in the bed. And then there was something in my hand. And there was a face in my vision. It wasn't clear but I recognized it. "Tanner" I said. I leaned up and hugged him so hard. "Tanner.." I said "ow ow ow" I said finally feeling the pain. I sat up all the way releasing the pain in my stomach. "Jas?" Niall asked. He sat up and looked at me, sorta. He was squinting his eyes at me because of the light. "Yes Nialler" I said smiling "princess" he says coming to my side and hugging me. "How are you are you okay?" He asked questions left and right. "Yes I'm fine thanks" I said "Guys Jasmine's away!" He says. Before everyone gets up to see me and make sure I'm okay I pull Tanner close and whisper in his ear. "Mom says Hi and she's very Proud" I let go of him as everyone starts talking at me. Making sure I'm okay asking if I need anything. He doesn't say anything just stares at me. So confused but happy at the same time. So uncontrollably happy by my in believable comment. I smile at him. I scoot over so he can sit on the bed and everyone else can get around the bed more. There were like 5 people on my bed and I honestly though it was going to break. I though it was hilarious. That even though there were people on my bed and there still was a huge crowd around the bed.
After an hour or so everyone got bored and sat down. So far I was cuddled into Tanner with Louis laying in between my legs I believe he was sleeping. And Niall laying on the opposite side of me cuddled in into my side. And you know how small these beds are. But we made it work. I was in the middle of the Golden girls me and Tanner were the only ones up still up. Everyone was sleeping on the couches and some even on the floor. The door opened I didn't pay much to it since I though it was just a doctor. "Hey love how are you?" I hear. I look over Niall and find the one and only Josh Devine. "Hey" I say. I smile to him. He leans over Niall and kisses my forehead. "Josh this is my older brother Tanner" I say smiling at him. "Tanner this is my good friend and the boys Drummer. Josh" I say they shake hands. "I didn't know you had an older brother" Josh said. "Neither did anyone else..." Tanner said sadly. "I'm sorry.." I said to him. "It's a long story" I say to Josh. "But why are you hear.. How did you know the Paps don't even know" I said. "Liam called me. But that's not important. Get some sleep baby. I'll see you in the morning" he says kissing my forehead again. "He's right you need to rest up. Or you'll never get better." Tanner smiled and got up off the bed. "Ay Ay Ay where are you going?" Giving you room to sleep with Niall and Lou also on the bed you don't have much room. "No come back I need you tonight it's the firsts night we'll sleep together since I was 7" I say sadly. "First of all I made you sleep with me Bc you know why and second of all, your not 7 anymore Jas." He said. "Please once for old time sake?" I questioned "no" I he stated looking away knowing he couldn't resist my pouty lip just like back then. "Please what If I die in the middle of the night and you wake up and realize you ripped my last wish right from my hands?" I questioned raising my eyebrows. "Ugh why do you have to be like that!" He sighed getting back into the bed. "Thank you" I said laying back.
<The Next Morning>
The next morning I woke up. The curtains were closed so whoever was still in the room knew I hated waking up to the sun. Earlier I had heard everyone leave to get coffee and to go home and change. I squinted through my eyes looking around the room.
Hayes. Hayes was sat in a chair a little far away from me on his phone he seemed to be scrolling. He was probably on Twitter he loved interacting with fans on here. I smile. No! Stop this! Your mad at him! No. Your pissed at him! "What are you doing here?" I ask leaning on my elbows. "Your wake" he says tossing his phone onto the bed. "Why are you here?" I ask. "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked frowning. "You know exactly why you asshole" I say sitting up faster than I should have. "Ow shit" I whisper to myself. "Hey hey! Be careful you can't do that you'll hurt yourself. Are you okay?" He rushed to my side putting his hand on my stomach asking if I was okay. "Yeah" I say quietly looking into his deep blue eyes. I almost was Memorized but I snapped back to reality and looked away. "I'm sorry" he said not removing his hand from its place on my stomach. "Yeah, well your sorry about a lot of things now aren't ya" I asked. My eyes fixated on the Tv. "Yeah I guess your right about that." Him, still hunched over staring at me. "Jaz.." He trails off. "Jaz please look at me" he asks bringing this hand up to my chin, between his thumb and pointer finger he turned my face so I was looking at him. "You know I never meant to hurt you. Rylie is just crazy. I thought I loved her but I don't.. I really love y-thought I loved her but I didn't" he hanged his words in the middle of his sentence. Was he going to say he loved me? Idk. "She pretended that we were together. I broke up with her because I didn't love her. When I broke up with her I knew you were the only one I wanted to be with. And only you. Do you remember at the laughs we were having. The kiss we almost shared..." He trailed off his eyes falling to my lips for a long moment and back to my eyes. "I know you wanted that kiss as much as I did" he said. I blushed and looked down my hair falling in front of my face. Again moving his Pointer finger and thumb to my face making me look at him again. His hand ran across my cheek and to the hair the had fallen. He tucked it back and rested his hand on my cheek. "Please forgive me. If I could take it back I would" he said backing up. I grabbed his hand before he could sit down. I sat up and pulled him to me. I get on my knees ignoring the pain in my belly. I grab his neck and gently  bring him in for the kiss we both desperately wanted. He wrapped his arms around me me, carful not to hurt me. I pulled back and he rested him forehead on mine. I stared into him blue sea like eyes. "I forgive you" I said pecking his lips again. I sit down. Scooting over patting the bed for him to sit. He does as he's told and wraps his arms around me. "Where do we go from here?" I ask looking up at him since he is taller than me. "Well I'm gonna take you on an actual date" he says looking down at me. "Oh yeah? Are we going to the park again?" I ask smiling. "No" he said "aw I thought it was fun.... Up until it wasn't but I had a good time" I said. "And so did it but I'm taking you out this time not just down the street." He smiles kissing my forehead. "Hey Hayes..? Who long are you here for?" I asked not looking up afraid of the answer. "4 weeks why?" He responds. I sigh in relief. Not as long as I hoped but longer than I expected. "When do you get out?" He asked."Liam told me that I get out in a week" I said he stayed quiet but smiled. I laid my head on his chest and watched the movie on the tv. Which just happened to be my favorite movie. 'Safe Haven'
1 week later.
Niall's POV
Jasmine is getting changed in bathroom. Because it's time to go home. "Ugh! This is too hard" he said "will you help me get my pants on?" She laughed walking out of the bath room with her pants around her ankles. I couldn't help laugh along with her. "Come here" I laughed. She waddled over to me with her crutches. I pulled her pants up, zipped and buttoned them, "there ya go" I said to her. She looked down laughing "thanks" she smiled and walked over to her bag. She  leaned her crutches against the bed and put her back bag over her shoulders. "Ready Love?" I ask. "Everyone's waiting back at home love" I say as she talks one last look around. "Yeah let's go" she said. Everyone left hours ago to celebrate her coming home. But she didn't know that.

"There planning a surprise party for me aren't they?" She asked riling her head to look at me as we stepped into the elevator. "No. Why would you think that?" I asked. I was never very good at lying but for some reason I was holding it in. "Look at me" she said coming in front of me. Bringing her hands to my face and staring into my eyes. She was a about 6 inches shorter than me. So she was on her tip toes. And yes we did measure. (😂) "I swear on my life." I said to her, staring back into her chocolate brown ones. "Okay.." She backed up eyeing me" I told her to dress nicer, for the Paps to show them she was fine and that she will recover fast so she did. She had pants that had designs all over them. They were black and white. And she had a black shirt, with gladiator sandals, and the infinity necklace I got her the first day we met her at the mall. The elevator doors opened and we exited. "Okay the Paps are gonna be all over you, I will cover you as best I can until we can get to the car. Just focus on walking and keep anyone and everyone away from your stomach okay?" I questioned. She nodded her head and I took my Jacket off just before we get to the door. I wrapped it around her and held onto it bringing her as close to me as possible. "Can you see the ground" I ask looking at her-well her legs since my coat is wrapped around her head and torso. "Yeah let's go I wanna get out of here" she's said. I opened the door ducking my head the end of my coat slipped and he face showed. "Shit" I whispered "Niall it's fine I got it" she said hanging her head low and pushing her hair in her face. I steered her to the car. I opened the passenger door and she hopped in. The Windows where tinted so she didn't have to cover her face anymore. I rushed around the front of the car and opened up the door getting in and driving off.
"I'm never gonna get used to that" she laughed, fixing her hair. "You will eventually. It took me awhile but now it's just annoying most of the time" he laughed looking over at me.
"Home sweet home" Niall sang as we pulled into the driveway. There was 4 cars in the driveway. Pauls can for the buys. And the two cars Magcon drove in. And the one with my Brothers and the boys rode in. "Up we go" Niall said as he lifted me out of the car and grabbed my crutches. "I coulda got out myself.." I whispered. "I know" he smiled. We walked up the porch. "You sure your not planning anything?" I asked "oh my god. I'm not planing anything. Your going to walk into the house and it's going to be normal. I didn't do anything" he said getting frustrated. "Okay I whispered and walked up the steps. I took out the key I kept with me incase no one was home. I opened the door and BAM!
"SURPRISE!!" I almost had a heart attack I swear oh my god. "WTF!" I screamed jumping so high. "I looked around at everyone and let go of my chest. I laughed and turned around to Niall. That stupid smirk on his face. "You lier" I said. "I didn't lie I didn't do any of this. They did" he stated leaning up against the door frame. I turned around. "You guys did this.. All for me?" I asked in disbelief there where streamers and balloons and a big banner that say WELCOME HOME JAZ" "Awe. Thank you guys" I said. "Let me take your coat" Hayes said. He walked up behind me and took my coat and hung it in the closet. "Thanks" I smiled. "No problem" he smiled back and lead me into the living room.

Hey guys. Sorry so late. As you could see this chapter was really long so it took a little time. Thanks for reading Love you guys, vote, comment, and read my other stories if you would like. Have a great day😜


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