Chapter Five

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Mike and Josh walked into the house. Mike turned the light on, placing his keys down on the table before throwing his bag onto the couch.

"Make yourself at home" he muttered to Josh. Slowly Josh walked in taking the features of the house, he remembered the times him and Chris would go over to Mike's house to sleep over, playing games and ordering pizza. It all stopped when Hannah and Beth died he was grieving he kind of blamed Mike because he was the one involved with the prank but he also blamed himself for being passed out drunk.

Mike walked into he room, he needed to be alone for a bit, just for a couple of minutes. It didn't feel right to him coming back home. Many thoughts were going through his head the Wendigos, Jessica breaking up with him and Josh. What would have happened if he didn't save Josh? And why he was feeling so much more towards Josh?

He couldn't breathe, his breathes felt shallow and he felt like someone just placed a cap on his lungs. He struggled to stand up, hyperventilating as every worry and thought went through his mind.
"Mike? Mike?!" Called Josh rushing into the room.
"Hey man just breathe" he said placing both hands on each side of his shoulder.

He pushed Mike onto the floor before kneeling down in front of him. "Slowly, deep breathes" he told him.
Josh started to take slow deep breathes and Mike copied his action breathing in and out in time with him. After a couple of seconds he could feel himself begin to calm down.
"You ok now?"
Mike nodded his head in response "y-yeah I think so" he breathed.

Josh sat down next to him as they sat in a comfortable silence. "What brought that on?" Asked Josh breaking the silence. "I um....just everything that happened up started to flood in my mind....I keep trying to be strong and hiding away how I'm feeling but at the same time I....I don't know if I can get through this Josh" he explained feeling a lump in his throat.

Josh kept silent....he blamed himself for this "I keep seeing them....Hannah and Beth" started Josh. "It started off nice....they would just watch over me telling me how much they missed me.....then they started to be mean they said its my fault that they died...that I wanted them to die" he continued.
"I-I didn't want them to die Mike!" He began to sob. "This is all my fault" "Don't say that...none of this is you're fault you didn't know about the Wendigos up on the one did" spoke Mike softly.

"This is my fault Mike! It's my fault that they died!" He began to cry. Mike shuffled forward so he was facing Josh. "Josh you need to listen to me! You can't blame yourself because of Hannah and Beth! And what happened up on the mountain? No one knew about the Wendigos and we all made it out alive! That's all that matters" he explained. Josh looked up at Mike eyes sparkling because of the tears in his eyes. Mike gave a soft smile before wiping the tears away from his face. Mike felt hypnotised again as his thumb wiped away the tears, slowly it traveled down to his lips gently brushing across them. Josh nervously licked his lips before looking back up at Mike.

Slowly Mike leaned forward, lips gently brushed across his like testing the waters even though they have already kissed before. Mike knew what was going to happen if he went along his with this. But right now he didn't care about the consequences as his lips slowly touched Josh's.

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