Chapter Ten

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Josh left the bedroom to see Chris outside the door. "You sure you were ok in there?" He asked.
"Y-yeah why?"
Chris shook his head "never mind anyway how you finding this?" Asked Chris.

"I mean....I'm excited and happy that we're all sticking together to get through this"
Chris raised an eyebrow before looking over at the door "you? sharing a room?" He asked.
"Uh yeah......with Mike" responded Josh nervously biting his lip.
"Mike? Didn't think you guys where close" Josh chuckled a little at how oblivious Chris was to how close he was with Mike.

Josh shrugged his shoulders "you sharing a room Cochise?" Chris eyes widened and shade of red began to appear on his cheeks. Josh began to widely grin like a Cheshire Cat "it's Ash isn't it? You're finally going to the bone zone you dirty dog!" Cheered Josh gently punching him in the arm.

"It's not like that!" Complained Chris. Josh's grin spread even wider "whatever you say Cochise" he said before heading downstairs.
He sat down on the couch nervously biting his nails as he watched the tv. Every news channel was talking about them and what happened on the mountains a couple of days ago.

Josh grabbed the tv remote before switching the tv off and deciding to get food from the kitchen. He opened Cabinets to find something eat but he didn't really feel hungry, maybe it's a way of distracting himself from the things that are going on outside the house. He could hear footsteps enter the kitchen but he ignored them as he searched for something.

He jumped a little as he felt arms wrap around him and lips touch his cheek. "You ok?" Asked Mike.
Josh shook his head "I can't even watch to anymore without being reminded of it" muttered Josh.
"Just give it time, they'll eventually stop"
"Will they? Because they never stopped when Hannah.....and....Beth.....disappeared" suddenly Josh began to choke on his sobs.
"Hey it's ok baby" whispered Mike in a soft tone.

Josh turned around being welcomed by Mike's warm torso as he pressed his face in his chest and began to sob. "T-t-this is all my fault!" He began to sob and Mike clutched onto him tighter, resting his chin on his head and began to hum a soothing tune, Josh didn't recognise it but it helped him calm down a little.

"Hey look at me" muttered Mike lifting Josh's head so his eyes locked with his. "What wasn't your fault so don't go blaming yourself and what your feeling the constant fear, scared of closing your eyes or being alone that's how I'm feeling too....some are just better at hiding it than others" said Mike as his voice broke a little trying to fight back any tears that were trying to escape.

Josh looked up at Mike with sympathy, eyes wide like an innocent child. Mike bit his lip as he felt a tear roll down his cheek. "I um.....I think we need a moment" suggested Mike grabbing Josh's hand and taking him back upstairs to his room while everyone else was in the back garden.

Mike threw himself onto the bed, placing his hands over his face trying to calm himself down.  Josh stood nervously at the end of the bed not sure how to react to Mike being upset, he wasn't used to Mike being like this. Mike was the loud, obnoxious guy that liked to have attention all around him, this felt unusual to Josh so he didn't know what to do....maybe Mike felt the same about him.

Once Mike could feel himself begin to calm down and he was sure tears weren't going to come down he moved his hands away. He looked up at Josh nervously standing by the end of the bed. He knew Josh wanted to ask if he was ok but he could tell Josh felt unsure. "I-I'm ok" he muttered and Josh nodded his head.

Josh still had tears coming down his face but he was silent. He bit his lip trying to calm himself to avoid anymore from coming down.
"Come here" muttered Mike gesturing for him to lie down next to him.

Josh climbed onto the bed lying next to Mike turning to face each other. Mike gave a soft smile before his hand reached over to touch his cheek. Josh's eyes kept their gaze on Mike's hand as his thumb stroked across his cheek wiping away his tears.

He looked back up at Mike as Mike leaned forward lips gently touching his. As they pulled away Mike pulled Josh closer to him so Josh's head was resting on his chest softly listening to his heartbeat.
"We'll be ok....we will he through this I don't know how but we will" muttered Mike stroking his fingers through Josh's hair.

Josh nodded his head snuggling closer to him. "M-maybe we should tell the others about us" spoke Josh looking up at him.
"I mean Sam and Matt already know about us and their fine with it" he continued.

Mike sighed closing his eyes before opening them to look at Josh nervously biting his lip. "I...I want to its just I worry about how Jess will react and you know what Emily is like"
Josh nodded his head before looking away Mike could see the disappointment on his face.

"Hey" whispered Mike lifting Josh's head up to look at him again.
"I love you you know that right?"
Josh nodded his head "I....I love you too" he said before leaning up to kiss Mike.

"Oh wow!" Both broke from the kiss to see Chris and Ash standing at the door with a shocked expression on there face.
Josh and Mike looked at each other before looking back at the other two. "You you guys a thing or?..." Asked Chris really confused of the situation.

Josh looked back at Mike to see if it was ok with this. He opened his mouth to explain but Mike beat him to it. Me and Josh are a thing....only Sam, Matt and you guys know we're not ready to tell the other two yet"
Ash and Chris smiled at each other before turning back to look at them "I think it's cute" said Ash
"So that's what a I heard through the door before?...oh god" said Chris with wide eyes.

Josh chuckled before shaking his head "we were only making out you can calm yourself"
"Does that mean you've dumped me for Mike?" Said Chris in a mock offence.
"Hey if never leave you Cochise!" Exclaimed Josh walking over pulling him into a bro hug "you better not!"

"Look I'm happy for you two but if you ever hurt him I-"
"I'm not gonna hurt him Chris!" Said Mike
"Just making sure"

"Anyway I'm making dinner tonight so I want you both downstairs" said Chris
"And what do you mean by making dinner?" Asked Ash arms crossed raising an eyebrow.
"Ordering Pizza what else?" Exclaimed Chris throwing his arms into the air.
"We'll leave you to it" chirped Ashly shutting the door behind them as both her and Chris walked out.

"And no entering the bone zone while we're here!" Called out Chris causing Josh to chuckle blushing a little.
Mike looked at Josh who had a smile of his face, he felt a little better that two more people know now "what?" Asked Josh.
"It's nice to see you smile..." He said getting up off the bed to stand in front of Josh.
"We will get through this I don't know how but we will...don't blame yourself for what happened at the lodge none of us knew what was going to happen up there" he said cupping Josh's cheeks.

Mike leaned forward before kissing his lips. "Come on" he said as they pulled away.
"Let's head downstairs" he said pulling him next to him, arm over his shoulder as they walked out to join the others.

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