Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Lucy's POV

We arrived on the field just as the first class bell rang. We could even hear it from all the way out in the field.

I looked around at all the other students in my class.

There sizes ranged from tall and scrawny, to buff and tall, to short and stout.

One of them looked especially scary and strong.

He had crazy black hair and piercings all over his face. The one thing that gave me a huge shock was that he had NO EYEBROWS!! Literally none at all! And, he wasn't wearing the school uniform, rather a black vest with studs around the edges.

He noticed I was staring at him and made some sort of growling sound that caused me to squeal a little and look the other way.

I heard him chuckle, but ignored the mockery, looking at the instructor coming to the front of the group.

The instructor was surprisingly female and walked with a sort of sass feeling to her. She was in a red dress with black stilettos. She had long white flowy hair that was pulled back into a half ponytail.

Some of the boys whistled, while others started yelling very rude comments about her.

To my surprise, the comments and whistles didn't faze her. She just kept walking.

When she made it past most of the class, one boy grabbed her butt and said something along the lines of "nice a**".

The instructor stopped walking, but didn't react to the action. She just turned to him.

"What's your name?" She said, calm and collective.

"Wayne Stinson, lady." He said with a sneer.

The instructor then raised her hand and slapped Wayne across the face.

"Leave at once," she started, "you are expelled."

Wayne stood in complete shock from the actions the instructor took.

"Excuse me?!" He said, still dumbfounded on what just happened. "You can't expel me!"

The Lady then turned and started towards the front again.

"I can. I'm the vice principle after all." She said, without turning around.

Wayne then looked completely embarrassed and ran off angry.

I could overhear some of the another students start to chat amongst themselves.

"That's the vice principle?"

"I've never seen her before."

"Why is she here?"

The vice principle then made it to the front of a now quiet group of students and turned to face us.

"You may all be wondering why I, the vice principle of this academy, came here. The answer to that would be I would like to see what the new students are like and what levels everyone is at." She then started heading towards the bleachers and we could hear some wheezing coming from a person behind us.

I turned around to see a really old fat guy jogging up to us, until he stopped right in front of me and leaned over, bracing his hands on his thighs and started wheezing even more.

"Sir, are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

The man then stood back to his feet.

"I'm fine, Thank you."

I finally realized that he was our instructor.

Realizing that, I took a step away from him and bowed.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you're our instructor. It's very nice to meet you, sir." I stood in a formal stance as I spoke.

Out of the blue, I heard Natsu start to laugh. Then, everyone else in the class joined in with him, even the instructor.

I blushed, realizing I did something abnormal.

"Son, you don't have to be so formal with me!" He said through his chuckles.

"Oh! S-sorry." I apologized with a blush.

"Anyway, boys, it's time to get this evaluation started!"

The boys all lined up in one single row, somehow knowing exactly what they needed to do.

I was clueless, but luckily Natsu grabbed my arm and pulled me into line.

"Thanks." I whispered to him.

"No problem." He responded.

"Boys, you will now each take turns fighting another student to show what skills you have, so we can put you into your levels."

'What do they mean by 'fight'?'

I was so confused.

"First, let's have," he scanned the line, until stopping on Natsu and I. "Natsu and this boy." He pointed at me.

"Um.... Okay?" I responded.

"What's your name?" He asked, looking at his clipboard full of student's names.

"Lucas Heartly?" I replied, still confused.

Natsu grabbed my arm. I looked at him.

He had a huge grin on his face.

"Let's go!" He said.

I couldn't resist smiling, his grin just made me smile.

We headed out into the middle of the field.

The rest of the class and teacher headed to the bleachers, out in the distance.

'Why are we so far away from everyone? How are they suppose to see us fight?'

I was very confused, but Natsu knocked me out of that state by yelling at me.

"Hey!! Luke!!" He yelled, trying to get my attention.

"Yeah?!" I yelled back.

"Are you good at fighting?" He asked.

I pictured the years of self defence, jujitsu, karate, and katana lessons I took to become a secret service officer.

"Yeah! I'm pretty good!" I smirked.

"Alright! Then I'm not going easy on you!" He laughed.

"You go right ahead!" I cocked.

The teacher had an amplifier and yelled to us.

"Now boys, I want a clean fight! No deaths aloud!" He yelled.

'What!! DEATHS!!!'

Before I could do anything, a bell rang and Natsu started charging towards me.

As he ran, his fists turned to flames which traveled through his whole body, causing his whole self to practically become fire.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, but it was too late.

He was already on me.


What do you guys think? Am I the worst person ever when it comes to cliff hangers? Anyway, sorry it took FOREVER to post the next chapter. I've been sooooooooo busy. But, I promise I will update soon! If you liked this chapter and want more, please, vote, comment, and follow my page!


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