Chapter 14: Date with a Pirate

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I watched the boys talk for a little while before I walked out from the bushes. They were discussing the rules to some odd game called Red Run that I had never heard of.

"We need team captains." Nibs said, looking around at the group.
"You've got me, obviously." Peter replied, making me shake my head at his vanity.
"I know that," Nibs countered, "But I did say captainS. Meaning more than one."
"I vote Wendy as the second captain." John spoke up, lifting a hand into the air, "Would our Mother not make a fine Captain, gents?"

The Lost Boys shouted agreements, smiling at one another and seeming bashful over the mentioning of their Mother.

"She is not your Mother." I whispered to myself, angered by the thought of my younger sister thinking she was responsible for these kids.

"A fine Captain indeed." Peter said, eyeing Wendy curiously, "What says the lady?"
Wendy beamed, "The lady says aye."

Once again a chorus of enthusiasm ensued in the group of boys. Wendy and Peter quickly set to work dividing their teams and I figured now would be my best time to emerge from my hiding place. It would have looked too conspicuous to come out at a moment when activity was low, so I had to wait for a time when they were busy.

I parted the bushes and stepped over a fallen log, straightening out my wrinkled and dirty dress as I did. Slightly caught sight of me almost immediately.

"Ophelia!" He shouted, alarm on his face as he ran up to me and started pushing me back into the bushes, "Don't do it, Ophelia. You can't kill him."
I chuckled, "It's alright. I'm not trying to murder him any more, Slightly. That's why I've come out of hiding."
He looked surprised, "Oh. Well, good! That's good."
"I can't promise how long it will last, but for now I think I can quench my hunger for revenge."
"What changed your mind?"

I fidgeted under his gaze but brushed off the comment and playfully poked his nose, "I figured that it might make a certain important someone rather angry with me, and I couldn't have that. I couldn't lose you, Slightly."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder as he chuckled.

"Look!" Curly shouted, "It's Slightly's girlfriend!"

We broke apart and the boys erupted with laughter, falling over in hysterics. I saw Slightly's cheeks redden as we exchanged an amused look.

"She's not my girlfriend." He defended, laughing as he walked away into the group.

Wendy caught my eye and came trotting up behind him. "Fee, is everything alright? Slightly was worried about you, and it occurred to me that I hadn't seen you in some time."
I gathered my hair to one side and sighed, "I suppose so. I'm not injured, if that's what you mean."
"Are you quite sure? Why are you covered in dirt? Is that a bruise on your arm?" Wendy gasped, "What happened to your dress?"

I looked down and touched the fringed ends of my dress, twirling the fabric around my knees, "You don't like my new look?"
Wendy's lips scowled in an amused way, "If you wanted a new look we could have taken you to the Piccaninny camp and had them braid your hair or embroider your sleeves. You didn't have to ruin your beautiful dress!"

"It's just a dress, Wendy." I sighed.
"What ever happened to it?"
"I cut it to use the fabric as a gurney for Tala." "Who?" She asked.
"The wolf. That's what we named her, Slightly and I."
Wendy crossed her arms, "I still can't believe you went through all the trouble of saving that pesky hound. She made you ruin your dress!"

I went to rebuke her statement but the sound of a crow call interrupted us. Peter had his hands around his mouth and loudly crowed into the sky, gathering everyone's attention.

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