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"Get up, were leaving."

           Aurora stood by the door, her giant red backpack dangled from her tiny hands.

           "Get up," she said again, impatiently. When the two fatasses laying on the ground didn't budge an inch, she kicked the first leg she saw sticking out from under the table. Hard.

           Kaelin groaned, flicking her afro of hair out of her face, "Whaaat. I don't wanna do anything today, go away," the blonde whined, pulling pins out of her arms. She sat up, making sure her My Chemical Romance shirt was on properly--since she had noticed that sometimes she wore her shirts backwards, and the only person who would notice and comment was Aurora, who liked to make fun of her--and tried to throw the pins across the table. The closest she got was getting one of the bright blue metal things stuck in the ceiling light. A bright flash lit up the room, then the room plunged into darkness.


           Aurora clapped, "Wooow." She gave an impressed look at the girl who was now beet red and gasping of laughter on the floor, "Look at what you did. Now I have to pull out the STAR WARS candles." She rolled her sleeves up, a habit she had whenever things got hard, and scowled at the two almost dead bodies on the floor, "The STAR WARS candles. The limited edition ones! Oh, you guys've done it! You better pay me back or I won't be buying you food tonight."

           A faint mumble came from the sack laying in the corner. At first glance, the sack looked to be a pile of garbage. But, if you really look closely, you can make out the outline of a short asian girl curled up like a baby around an extra large family pack bag of steel cut oats. The mumble came again, this time even quieter than the one before.

           "What Rain?" Aurora yelled, "Speak louder, I can't hear you."

           The bag of oats mumbled again.

           "She said that you're deaf," Kaelin replied with a yawn, "And that you better still be getting food or else we'll be having you for dinner tonight." She paused, "Oh, and that she likes her steaks raw."

           Satisfied that Aurora got the message, the girl named Rain curled her body into an even tinier ball and went back cuddling with her oatmeal. Kaelin picked up a pair of scissors off of the ground and made her way towards Rain. Aurora watched as the two slumped together into a pile, once again morphing into unmoving bags of dirt.

           That was it. 

           Aurora felt the temperature in the room increase as she glared imaginary shards of steel into the bodies lumped on the floor.

           "Get the hell up! I'm leaving whether you like it or not." 

           Not a single response. A slight twitch came from Kaelin, which in fact meant absolutely nothing, since she twitched all the time.

           Aurora sighed. If fear didn't work, then blackmailing would. She put on her best sing song voice and drawled.

           "If you guys don't get up this second," she sang to them one at a time, "Then Kaelin, I won't buy you that $86.99 collectors edition Twenty One Pilots red, white and black hoodie," She moved her eyes to the right and looked at Rain, "And Rain, I won't get you that stabby..stabby...whatever you call it, you know what I mean! That stabby thing. Both those things are going down the drain!"

           As if the ground had suddenly grown electrical shocks, the two bags of flesh jumped up like lightning...or as fast as a lightning bolt would be if it was taped down to a one legged water snail. In reality, it took another couple of minutes before the two were finally standing up and slowly shuffling to the door. Finally, after the five minutes it took for Rain and Kaelin to get to the door, the three were ready to go.


"So, where're you taking us?" Kaelin asked, reaching over to grab the scissors from Rain. Rain shrugged and pulled another pair out from her high heeled boots. Aurora turned around in her seat and glanced down at the car floor littered with wrappers, cups, tape and pins.

            "I was hoping you guys would suggest something..." she trailed off, waiting for a reply. The two stared back at the short haired brunette with blank expressions, the scissors twirling between their fingers.

            "I mean, is there anywhere in particular you guys would like to go? The park? The pool? The theater? The--WOULD YOU STOP THAT! ITS SO FREAKING ANNOYING!" Aurora yelled, pointing at the scissors scraping against the frame of the car, "THIS IS MY CAR YOU'RE SCRATCHING, I HOPE YOU--"

            "Look, an old man," Rain's monotone interrupted matter-of-factly, looking out the front of the car.

            Aurora scowled and turned back around. "Guys hold on for a sec," she called, holding the steering wheel tight.

            Suddenly she pulled the wheel to the left, and the car pitched sideways. A loud thud came from the side of the black jaguar, and the car rolled over a big bump. Kaelin, who wasn't wearing her seat belt, flew up and smashed her head against the felt roof.

            "--uck!" she choked out, rubbing her head as if she could increase the pain.

            "Serves you right," Rain muttered under her breath as she eyeballed the mass of bleeding flesh fading away into the distance behind the car. Kaelin looked offended.

            "What did you say, bi-tch?" She grabbed the scissors she had stolen and held them point first towards the shorter girl's eye. Rain didn't even blink.

            "You know I'm asian, there's nothing even there for you to poke." She swatted the dangerously sharp blade away like a normal person would swat away a fly. A bit of blood trickled down her finger where the thin metal had nicked her skin. She wiped it on the back of the seat.

            "Did you just wipe blood onto my new dark chocolate snake skin car upholstery?"
Rain giggled and proceeded to continusly run her hands up and down the seat, all the while staring at Aurora with a, whatcha gonna do about it, look.

            Aurora slammed the brakes on. But before she could say anything, Kaelin yelped and flew into the windshield. They all turned to look at her.

            "What...have you never seen this happen to me?" Kaelin muttered, chin to chest, laying at an extremly awkward angle with her legs skewed behind and under her body and her head dangling sideways off of fhe dashboard.

            Rain burst out into laughter. Then Kaelin.

            Aurora stared at the two of them with a bewildered look, fully judging them.

            "Why am I even friends with the two of you?" she muttered to herself, grabbing Kaelin's empty vodka bottle and chucking it out the window.

            A tiny 5 year-old looking boy peered up at them through his Thomas the Tank Engine helmet.
"Hey, hey...HEY!" Aurora slapped the two snickering idiots, "Look, is he good?"

            Kaelin and Rain snorted and tried to calm down as they looked towards where she was pointing.

            "Meeh, I don't care, as long as I get to go first." Rain shrugged and busied herself with snipping chunks of hair off of Kaelin's head.

            Kaelin stuck her tongue out, "Sure, he's good."

            Aurora grinned, "Yes! Alright! Lets go!"


So... you're welcome Kae. And if anyone else is reading this, yeah uhh we are definitely not psychos.

k bye.


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