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"Don't kill anyone important while I'm gone."

Aurora stood by the door, keys in hand and her red school bag on her back, "I'll be back at three. We're going out for dinner tonight so please dress accordingly."

"Kayy," the other two chorused tiredly as Aurora shut the door.

Today was Monday. And Monday meant one thing...


Ok, well technically not, but it was basically the same thing.


It was a totally ominous thing. Out of the three, Aurora was the only one who had to suffer through this horrible activity...or was she? Unbeknownst to the art loving girl, both Rain and Kaelin didn't just stay at home like carpets on the ground--no matter how much they wanted to--they, in fact, also paid to go increase the size if their psychological databases at none other than the Vancouver Institute of Health and Life Sciences. Yeah. Rain and Kaelin are nerds.

Rain groaned, half asleep. Suddenly, without warning, Kaelin sat up like a zombie.

"Shit! We have our welcoming ceremony today!"

Rain immediately popped up from behind the fridge, "Aw shit," she said through a mouthful of horse salami, "C'mon, I really don't wanna help the freshmans get inaugurated."

Kaelin pulled at her hair, "I don't either." She thought for a moment, "How mad do you think Aurora'll get if we use her money to go buy a new car, then run ourselves over with it?"

"Umm, I don't know, but the car has to be a dark maroon."

Rain and Kaelin exchanged looks.

Rain sighed, "Ok, we should get going." She pulled a box of raw chicken breasts out before she closed the fridge, "We're leaving in five."

Kaelin mumbled to herself before dragging herself along the floor to her room.

Twenty seven minutes later, they left the house.



"Yo Kaelin," Rain whispered and hit Kaelin in the leg.

Kaelin looked up and right away, she looked back at Rain.

"Pshhhhhhh, HAAAAA is that ADRIENNE?!"

Rain punched Kaelin in the arm, "Shut up! And yeah it is.

Kaelin shot another look at the tall brown haired girl sitting five rows down. Unable to hold back, Kaelin gave a loud snigger. After years of practice, Kaelin immediately covered her mouth, looked away, and pretended that she was very, very interested in the lock of hair flowing into her eyes. Rain snorted, "Good job, she saw us."

Kaelin uncovered her hands. Sure enough, a part Japanese girl with thick framed glasses was looking back at them. Adrienne gave a friendly wave, and grinned.

"She is totally coming to dinner at with us," Rain whispered as she gave a slightly awkward wave back.

It took an hour and fifty four minutes, but finally they were done the announcing the names of every single new freshman that had been accepted.

Kaelin gave a loud groan...which turned into a cough...which turned into her on the ground wheezing and bringing up her insides.


"Hey, um, Rain?"

Rain stopped her maniacal laughter and wiped the tears from under her asian eye slits, "Huh, ah! Adrianne hey!" She went in for a brisk handshake, but before she could react, Adrienne wrapped her long arms around the smaller girl.

"Ohmygoshitisyou!!!" She gushed like the flood of chocolate from the center of a lava cake, "Ihaven'tseenyouinsolong,itsbeenwhat?likefiveyears. Ohmygoshyouhaventgrownaninch,butyourhairgrewitlookssonicehowhaveyoubeenicant--"


"Oh what? Ohmygoshimsosorry!" She suddenly released Rain from the vice grip she had on her, "Ohmygoshimsososorryididntrealizedthat--"

"It's ok." Rain raised a hand to stop the torrent of annoying as fuck little prepubescent twelve year old girl voice babbling her non stop sentences.

She took a breath and straightened her shirt, "You know Kaelin right?" Rain pointed to the blob on the floor--wait she moved. Rain looked around confused, "I'm really sorry about this, uh Kaelin isn't very good with new people." Rain motioned for Adrienne to wait as she stormed off to the library.

After much struggling, a bribe of band t-shirts and a promise of a hair cut, Rain was finally able to drag Kaelin out and back to the place Adrienne was waiting.

"Hey, sorry about the--what the hell."

Rain looked around the courtyard.

"Shit. You were too slow!"

Kaelin sat down on the ground, "Mmh, it's not my fault you couldn't lift me up and carry me here." She yawned.

Rain kicked her in the ass, "I couldn't. If you remember, you were kicking and scratching and threatening to take my knives. Obviously I couldn't pick you up."

Kaelin just rubbed her ass.

Rain sighed, "Well then, let's just go to class."

"Fine. Let's go."


Ok uh yeah that was a crappy ending but yeah....I'm done.

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