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Aurora stepped in and surveyed the scene.

The first thing she saw was Kaelin. Kaelin was, well for lack of better words, peeling the skin off from the poor boy's stomach and chest, as the boy struggled and foamed at the mouth. Blood rained down onto her clothes and hair, but she seemed to be really enjoying it since there were bloody hand prints all along the ground, walls, and even on the boy's body. Rain on the other hand, was nowhere near the bloody scene of action. She was, in fact, standing before a gigantic shelf filled to the edge with medical, gardening, and DIY equipment, all the while eating a mint chocolate chip protein bar...covered in blood. Aurora sighed.

"Guys, hey! Do you want cookies?" she said a bit louder this time.

It was like a bell rang for Sunday church in the middle of a crowd of nuns, almost immediately, both Kaelin and Rain dropped whatever they were doing--Rain didn't drop her bar, she just stuffed it in her mouth really fast--and suddenly, like magic, appeared right next to the plate of fresh cookies.

"See, why can't you guys be this fast doing other things?" Aurora asked, genuinely curious.

"Cause we don't want to," came the simultaneous reply. Aurora gave a mental face palm, then, very carefully, placed the plate of cookies on the ground, "Okay, when I get to that table, that's when you guys can go for the cookies." Aurora put the silver on the floor and gingerly stepped away, "Okay, three, two, ONE."

The battle cries of Kaelin and Rain filled the tiny cabin. As if they were wild animals, without any sense of manner--which they were--the two of them pounced onto the heaping of gooey, chewy, chocolaty goodness.

2.1862583 seconds later, it was all gone. Every single crumb had disappeared from the face of the Earth. Aurora shook her head in awe, hungry motherfuckers.

Walking back the smashed plate and picking it up, she turned towards the two very happy fatties, "Two hours, then we have to clean up. I have school tomorrow." With that being said, Aurora left the room.

"Thaaankkss Aurora!" Rain called licking her crummy, bloody fingers.

"Rain," Kaelin snapped, "Pass."

Rain rolled her eyes, "Ok, ok, it's up there, hold up." Kaelin smirked and turned back to face the young boy.

Rain grabbed a chair and placed it in front of the shelf, right below the thing she wanted. Climbing up, she just barely touched the cool metallic instrument. Hooking her middle finger onto the tube, she gently pulled it out.

"Here," she said tossing the thing into Kaelin's hand.

"Thanks," Kaelin said, not looking away from the boy who was now almost completely passed out from the pain. Taking the tool, she plugged it into the wall.

"So, this is your new best friend," Kaelin singsonged--well, actually Kaelin couldn't sing so in reality it came out as a raspy croak. With a flourish, she pressed the on button and the thing buzzed to life.

"Say hello to Herbert, the cauterizer."

The boy's eyes widened. In Kaelin's hand was a thin metal rod. It was connected to the wall with a plastic tube and an electrical chord. The thing itself wasn't scary at all.

What had made the boy go pale with terror, was the fact that the cauterizer was coated with a thick layer of flaky dried blood and bits of still gooey chunks of seared flesh clinging onto its sides.

"Waiittt! Hold on I haven't even turned it on yet!" Kaelin said happily to the struggling boy. She waved the wand right in front of his eyes.

"Hurry up, I wanna go to Timmy's." Rain sat on the beanbag looking very annoyed, and well, hungry...well technically that was what she always looked like so that didn't count, but I think you can guess what an annoyed, hungry psychopath looks like.

"If you aren't done in 5 minutes I'm driving there myself. And I won't get you anything."

Kaelin looked horrified, "You wouldn't...I'm saving all the good parts for you, remember? At least wait ten minutes."

Rain sighed, "Kay sure," and went back to licking the wrapper of her eaten protein bar.

Feeling renewed with a purpose--which was food--Kaelin held the cauterizer in her hand and turned it on.

Right inside the boy's eyeball.

The boy gave a piercing hysterical scream. Kaelin just laughed and slowly pushed the flame closer to the boy's eye.

As if his eye was made of butter, the moment the small flame touched the surface of his cornea, it melted backwards, turning into a yellowish, red streaked viscous liquid. Kaelin removed the flame and looked into the boy's other eye. She gently took her finger and wiped a bit of the destroyed eye running down his face.

"This is disgusting. You should be ashamed that your eye melted like sweat dripping down a fat man's ass." She smirked, twirling her fingers, "Here let me fix it for you."

With that, Kaelin took her Gore covered fingers and shoved them into the half empty eye socket. The boy screamed again. Ignoring him, she ran her fingers along the sides of his eye socket. The flesh felt warm and a bit ragged from where the cauterizer had charred his skin. Her hand slipped easily down his eye socket from the blood that coated her hand. Feeling around, she tugged on a little nub of flesh poking out from the far back of his socket.

"Found it!" She exclaimed. Grabbing hold very carefully she pulled it ever so slightly. The answering spasm from the boy's body made her giggle.

"Oh, forgot to mention that it might hurt...just a bit."

Digging her nails into the vein, she looked into the boy's single tear filled eye, and pulled.

The boy's body arched off of the bindings, or as far as it could before getting cut with the spiked barbs in the tape. Like pulling spaghetti from a giant bowl of meatballs, the boy's optic nerve was dragged out of his head.

Kaelin grinned, "Rain."

Rain looked up. Kaelin dangled the long bluish vessel in her hands.

"I finally got it in one piece!" She looked very proud holding the blue nerve like a bracelet. Kaelin did a little happy dance, but almost fell face first onto the table of knifes since there was no way Kaelin could ever finish a happy dance without falling at some point, it just wasn't possible. Brushing herself off she opened her mouth to say something.

"Kaelin," Aurora's voice appeared again from the doorway, "You know he's dead right?"

Kaelin stopped what she was doing and snapped her eyes into the pale lifeless body of the boy.

"Already? I didn't even do anything," she said looking sadder every second.

"That's what you get picking a five year old brat," Rain muttered from the corner, "Obviously they die in like two minutes."

Kaelin pouted, "Oh...can we go get Tim's now?"


•__• there. Finally. I'm done. Your welcome.

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